Nog Who Murdered White Girl Found Guilty of Murder – Jury Declined to Find Him Guilty of Capital Murder

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2018

The jury on this case decided that giving a negro life in prison would be too mean, so instead they found him guilty of a lesser murder charge which would land anywhere between 5 and 99 years in prison.

Who actually thinks he will serve anywhere near 99 years?


A 12-member jury on Saturday found Antonio Cochran guilty of murder in the stabbing death of 18-year-old Zoe Hastings.

In doing so, the panel declined to find him guilty of capital murder, which would have sent him to prison automatically for life without the possibility of parole.

The jury’s decision came as a great disappointment to the parents of Zoe Hastings, who clearly hoped the jury would find him guilty of capital murder. They were too upset to comment after the verdict was read.

By the time the verdict was read, the jury had deliberated for four days. They deliberated about 23 hours total – roughly the same about of doing they heard testimony during the capital murder case.

Hastings disappeared in October 2015 after leaving home to return a movie and attend church. Her body and the minivan were found the following day in a creek bed.

The case against Cochran was a circumstantial case built largely around Cochran’s DNA being on the handle of the murder weapon, cell phone records and other DNA evidence showing he could not be excluded as a contributor of the DNA.

The punishment phase starts at 9 a.m. Monday. Cochran could receive anywhere from five to 99 years in prison.