Nogtopia: African Americans are Moving to AFRICA ITSELF

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2018



African Americans, Allah’s blessings be upon them, are removing themselves to Africa.



They have come from the big cities of San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. Thousands of them. And many refuse to return.

A new wave of African Americans is escaping the incessant racism and prejudice in the United States. From Senegal and Ghana to The Gambia, communities are emerging in defiance of conventional wisdom that Africa is a continent everyone is trying to leave.

It is estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 African Americans live in Accra, the Ghanaian capital. They are teachers in small towns in the west or entrepreneurs in the capital and say they that even though living in Ghana is not always easy, they feel free and safe.

Take Muhammida el-Muhajir, a digital marketer from New York City, who left her job to move to Accra.

She says she moved, because despite her education and experience, she was always made to feel like a second-class citizen. Moving was an opportunity to fulfil her potential and avoid being targeted by racial violence.

The article goes on. She is making a documentary about American Negroes moving to Africa.

Which, I am hoping, will be promoted as a thing.

And I think it will be.

I can see what’s happening – and they don’t have a clue.

Basically, the idea is that the US is so racist that blacks have to flee to Africa, but increasingly, whites are feeling so helpless at the hands of these never-ending accusations of invisible systemic skin-hatred that instead of viewing Africans moving to Africa as a problem needing solving they are liable to see it as a solution to a problem that has hitherto been presented to them as being unsolvable.

This is all we really needed to get the discussion started. Just a few Africans going back.

If that idea gets out there in the minds of white people, then more and more people are going to start thinking “well, maybe this would be better for them…”