Non-White Asylum Seeker Butchered 2 White Women Then Licked the Knife and Spat on the Body

Daily Mail
January 11, 2015

Elisa Frank was the only survivor of the 2012 attack that led to the death of her sister.

A woman whose sister and best friend were brutally murdered by her ex-boyfriend says she still has nightmares about the day of the attack.

Elisa Frank, who has now written a book about her experiences, was 19 when Ahmad Otak stabbed her sister Kimberley in the side while pretending to leave her Wakefield flat.

Otak, then 21, went on to stab the 17-year-old another 14 times before licking the bloody knife in his hand and spitting on her body.

But her ordeal still wasn’t over. Otak, an Afghan asylum seeker, then tied Miss Frank up using an electrical flex and forced her to summon best friend Samantha Sykes, 18, to the flat.

Kim Frank (left) was stabbed 15 times by Ahmad Otak who then licked licked her blood off his knife.

When Miss Sykes arrived, the crazed killer stabbed her 34 times before slitting her throat – all in front of a distraught Miss Frank.

Otak then attempted to flee to France in Miss Frank’s car but was foiled by a fellow refugee who raised the alarm.

A year later, the ‘sadistic’ and ‘inadequate’ killer was jailed for life with a minimum 34-year term by a judge at Leeds Crown Court.

Miss Frank, now 21, was in court to hear Otak jailed but says despite the lengthy sentence, she will never get over the death of her sister and best friend.

Elisa’s best friend Samantha Sykes was also killed by Otak, who slit her throat and stabbed her.

‘I still have nightmares every single night,’ she says. ‘It started out being about the event, then sometimes I’d see Kim as a ghost.

‘I try not to think about it during the day. If I do, it’s too overwhelming.’

Miss Frank had been in a relationship with Otak, who arrived in the UK in 2007, off and on for several years and at one point, the couple had planned to marry.

She had been living in a children’s home with her sister, with the girls placed in care aged 13 and 14, after their mother decided she was unable to cope.

Evil Afghan asylum seeker Ahmad Otak will spend the rest of his life in prison..

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