Non-White Barbarian Jailed for Murdering White Single Father in Case of Mistaken Identity

Daily Mail
November 24, 2014

Christopher Foster died after being stabbed to death by a non-White thug, who mistook him for someone else.

A ‘cowardly’ killer who stabbed a City worker in the back in a case of mistaken identity outside a crowded pub has been jailed for 23 years today.

Aytach Lisani, 33, plunged a knife into the back of 34-year-old Christopher Foster in an alleyway in Borough, south London last November, after mistaking him for another man.

Mr Foster, who worked for a law firm and was a single father to his four year-old daughter, had been enjoying a last drink with an old school friend when he was attacked from behind.

He suffered catastrophic internal injuries and died an hour later in hospital.

Lisani, who was at the head of a seven-strong group searching for the intended target, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to murder on the first day of his trial at the Old Bailey.

Today Judge Gerald Gordon sentenced Lisani to life imprisonment with a minimum of 23 years before parole.

Sentencing him, he said: ‘You accept being the man who can be seen on the CCTV making your way up the alleyway were Christopher Foster was innocently standing with his friend.

‘You thrust a large knife forcefully into his back, thereby killing him, not only destroying his own life but also wrecking the lives of his young daughter and his close family.

‘Mr Foster was a complete stranger to the revenge that was being sought.

Aytach Lisani was jailed for 23 years for his botched revenge attack.

‘This was the use of a knife in a public place with other innocent people around.

‘It is quite difficult to square the man who committed the cowardly acts you did that night with a man who has reached the age of 33 without conviction or caution.’

Before the sentence was passed, Mr Foster’s mother Jean entered the witness box to read a moving statement about the impact of his death.

She described Christopher Foster as ‘a son to be proud of, a brother to look up to, a loyal friend and devoted loving father.’

Mrs Foster said: ‘He left a lasting impression on those he met wherever he went. He was a kind and generous person.

Flowers were left at the scene in tribute to the father-of-one, who leaves behind a 4-year-old daughter.

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