Non-White Cab Driver Jailed for Groping Non-Moslem Teenager

The Telegraph and Argus
January 4, 2015


A MINICAB driver has been jailed for sexually molesting a teenage girl passenger after asking her why she was out on her own.

Nazar Abbas, 34, drove his private hire car so slowly that the 17-year-old was forced to take the wheel herself in a bid to get home sooner, a court heard.

Abbas, a married father, of Whetley Grove, Girlington, Bradford, was convicted by Bradford and Keighley magistrates in November of sexually assaulting his victim after 3.30am on June 15.

Yesterday, he was imprisoned for 26 weeks and ordered to sign on the sex offenders’ register for seven years.

Abbas, who is employed at a bakery, was working part-time for DCW Private Hire at Cullingworth, prosecutor Suzanne Paige said.

He picked up the teenager at 3.20am after she had been out with friends in Halifax town centre.

She sat in the back of the cab while Abbas asked her personal questions, including why she had been out on her own.

Miss Paige said the teenager felt uncomfortable and pretended to Abbas that she had a boyfriend.

When the cab slowed right down in an area she did not recognise, she asked him to speed up, saying she could drive the car faster.

Abbas stopped the vehicle and made her drive, putting his hand on her knee as he told her which pedals to use.

He stroked her thigh and asked how old she was, magistrates heard.

The teenager then swapped over to the front passenger seat and Abbas drove on with his hand on her leg, moving it up to her groin area.

Her father called her phone and Abbas sent back an automated reply, saying: “Sorry I am busy. Call back.”

Nazar Abbas was jailed for 26 weeks by Bradford and Keighley magistrates for molesting his teenage passenger.

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