Non-White Community Leader Calls Rotherham a ‘Beacon of Hope’ and Claims Muslims Are the Real Victims

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 10, 2014

Non-White barbarians try to gain sympathy for themselves by claiming solidarity with the victims, while it was their own uncles, brothers, cousins and fathers that were doing all the raping.

In what can only be described as a shocking lack of understanding, tact and sensitivity, the leader of a Muslim group has described Rotherham as a “beacon of hope.”

Far from being a beacon of hope for the British people, the town’s name conjures up sickening feelings of horror and despair; yet for the Muslims, the rape of 1,400 White girls gives them “hope.”

The Star:

The Pakistani Muslim community in Rotherham is still reeling from the child sex abuse scandal, two months on from the Jay report which revealed 1,400 girls had been a victim of child sexual exploitation in 16 years in the town.It said mostly Asian men had been responsible for the crimes and that police and council staff often failed to take reports further due to racial sensitivities.

Muhbeen Hussain organised a British Muslim Youth group protest, when more than 200 people lined Rotherham’s street outside the Town Hall to speak out against the scandal.

He said: “The main focus should be justice for the 1,400 girls.

The only focus should be on the 1,400 girls as there is nothing else that matters in the case, but he wants people to feel sorry for the rape monkeys instead.  He tries to link himself with the victims there, when he is part of the group that did the raping.

“As a human being I was horrified that these types of criminal activity could take place in my community of Rotherham, and for the police, the social services, to know of such crimes but not to say anything,” he said, again, trying to negate the fact that he is a Pakistani and all the rapists were as well.

Muhbeen Hussain was wheeled out by the BBC the instant the story broke, to try to gain sympathy for the rapist community.

“The community has been tarnished but, on the other hand, the scandal has come out and now we can provide justice for the girls that we didn’t know about.” He continued, “Rotherham has fallen down a massive hill, Mount Everest, but Rotherham will climb its way back up, and Rotherham will be a beacon of hope, not just for the people of Rotherham, but the whole of the UK.”

They had no concern for the girls while they were being raped and they have no concern for them now. All they care about is the damage the report has done to their ‘reputation’.

The report stated: “By far the majority of perpetrators were described as ‘Asian’ by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how they could jointly address the issue.

Is that the way they deal with crimes in Pakistan then, the Police engage with the criminals and discuss how they can jointly deal with the issue?

The report also describes how the fear of being called racist was basically the root cause of the whole debacle.  Yet instead of calling for the abolishment of all race relations legislation and hate speech laws, the Muslim leader just talks about how dreadful it is that his people’s reputation has been tarnished.

He even has the cheek to say that it is not a race/religion problem, but a problem of authority letting down the victims. One only has to look at the amount of rapes that go on in Pakistan and the way their women have to dress in order to avoid being raped to see that it is a racial problem.

And it isn’t just the Pakistanis who have this racial problem – the soldiers from Libya could not keep themselves from raping White women and they were only in the country for two months.

Non-Whites of all races are a menace to women and children everywhere and should not be allowed anywhere near White countries.

Rotherham is just yet more proof of that and the only way it could be a “beacon of hope” would be if it was the turning point in expelling every last one of them.

The British Muslim Youth of Rotherham was hastily formed about a year ago, probably when it was discovered that the news of the 1,400 White victims was going to have to be released in the following year.