Non-White Cop Arrested for Fake Terror Plot to Murder White Police Officers

Daily Mail
September 10, 2015

Pc Amar Hussain has been arrested for faking a plot to kidnap and murder a police officer.

A policeman was today arrested on suspicion of faking a terror plot to kidnap and murder a fellow officer.

A tip-off last December led to West Midlands Police asking staff not to travel to work in their uniform and urged them to be extra vigilant on patrol in case they were attacked.

Today a 28-year-old police officer, named locally as Pc Amar Hussain, was held on on suspicion of of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, misconduct in a public office and misuse of police systems.

Two others, aged 25 and 31, have also been accused of perverting the course of justice in connection with false information given to police.

As well as the non-White cop, two other non-Whites have been arrested and one has been deported.

The trio, all from Birmingham, allegedly made a ‘false and malicious’ call to West Midlands Police on December 8 last year.

The alleged hoax led to heightened security measures last December, which later spread across the country.

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