Non-White Doctor Filmed Over 1,000 Patients in Worse Case of Voyeurism Ever Seen by Scotland Yard

Daily Mail
November 26, 2014

The voyeurism charges relate to 30 identified victims and 1,084 unidentified victims, while the charge of making indecent images of children relates to six children.

A leading doctor secretly filmed more than 1,000 patients – including children as young as three – with a sophisticated network of cameras hidden in hospital toilets.

World-renowned hearing specialist Dr Lam Hoe Yeoh, 62, secretly filmed hundreds of patients, colleagues and strangers using cameras stuck in toilet cubicles, his office and even in pens and watches, between 2011 and 2014 a court heard.

A court heard that he gained ‘sexual gratification’ from the secret filming of his victims, as they used toilets at hospitals across the country, on trains and in his own home.

On many occasions he would film targets when he greeted them at hospital, before ‘splicing’ together this footage with crotch shots filmed in public lavatories to make mini-movies of his victims.

He would install the cameras so they were at the height to ‘film the genitals of the person using the toilet’, prosecuting counsel Peter Clement told the shocked court.

He has today pleaded guilty at Croydon Crown Court to seven counts of voyeurism, six counts of making an indecent photograph of a child, and one of possessing extreme pornography involving animals.

The court heard that the ‘sophisticated, organised, planned and long-running’ voyeurism was the biggest Scotland Yard had ever seen.

The voyeurism charges relate to 30 identified victims and 1,084 unidentified victims, while the charge of making indecent images of children relates to six children.

The physician, who specialises in hearing and balance disorders, was arrested at the private St Anthony’s Hospital in North Cheam after an investigation was launched by officers in April when one victim raised the alarm.

The consultant surgeon, from Barnstead, has been based at the NHS St Helier Hospital in Carshalton, Surrey, where he ran a regular clinic.

In addition to St Anthony’s, he has worked at two other private hospitals, the Cromwell in Chelsea and the Portland in Central London.

Prosecutor Mr Clement said the crimes were uncovered following ‘a single, discrete incident’ at St Anthony’s Hospital in April this year.

Mr Clement said: ‘He visited a toilet block and went to a lavatory near the desk where two ladies had been working.

‘Then he left. He had secreted a covert video recording device.

‘The device fell from the position when it was recovered by one of the two ladies.

‘The whole case relates to the filming of patients in hospital toilets with a sophisticated rig of hidden cameras.

Yeoh has admitted using a sophisticated network of cameras hidden in hospital toilets to spy on 1,000 patients including children at St Anthony’s hospital.

‘Examination that day showed the device had captured and recorded one of those ladies using the lavatory.

Dr Lam Hoe Yeoh arriving at Croydon Crown Court in south London, where he is accused of multiple counts of voyeurism
Dr Lam Hoe Yeoh arriving at Croydon Crown Court in south London, where he is accused of multiple counts of voyeurism.

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