Non-White Jumps Out of Car to Coward-Punch White Man Because Random Dog Walker Might Have Said Something Racist

Daily Stormer
May 16, 2014

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Adeel Ashraf tried to run a woman’s dog over and then jumped out of his car to coward punch an unsuspecting White passer-by, knocking him to the ground unconscious causing several broken bones.

Even if you have never made a racist comment in your life, you could still end up being punched unconscious for being ‘racist.’

Blacks and Non-Whites see it as their right to take their violent frustrations out on anyone White, at any time. In this instance, after almost running a White woman’s pet dog over, a Pakistani has jumped out of his car and then punched the nearest White man – who had nothing whatsoever to do with the woman whose dog had almost been run over.

The reason given for punching the innocent White man to the ground, was that the woman dog owner had said something racist. The White man was left with a broken eye socket and a broken nose, yet the Non-White scum had the cheek in Court to claim he had tried to be civil to his victim, but had the offer of a handshake refused!

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The Non-White was arrested, but not for a hate crime against Whites.

From the Lancashire Telegraph:

Adeel Ashraf, 28, had been in a car in the Accrington area when a woman dog owner complained her pet had almost been mown down and shouted an offensive comment.

Ashraf then got out and punched Paul Dutson, who had nothing to do with the abuse.

The defendant delivered a single, forceful blow, knocking the victim into a wall, then to the ground, unconscious.

Mr Dutson needed surgery, Burnley Crown Court heard.

The hearing was told Mr Dutson had tried to be civil to Ashraf, but he rejected his offer of a handshake.

The victim was taken to the Royal Preston Hospital neurological unit after the attack, amid fears he had suffered a brain injury.

Tests showed he hadn’t, but he did have three fractures to his face, including a broken eye socket and nose.

Ashraf, of Old Road, Failsworth, Oldham, had earlier admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm, last November 16.

David Ryan, defending, said Ashraf had a record, including two previous convictions for assault, although they were ‘of some antiquity’.

Paul Dutson was taken to this hospital where they discovered he had three fractures, two of them to his face.
Accrington, Lancashire. Yeah, sure, keep them coming, we’ve got loads of room to fit more in yet.