Non-White Mother Arrested for Death of 3-Year-Old

January 20, 2014

After making televised appeals for people to look for Mikaeel Kular, who mysteriously had managed to dress himself and leave the house unaided, his mother was arrested today in connection with his death.

The mother of three-year-old Mikaeel Kular has been charged in connection with the death of her son after his body was found in Fife.

Rosdeep Kular, 33, was detained on Friday night and arrested and charged on Saturday. She is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday.

Mikaeel was reported missing from his Edinburgh home on Thursday morning, prompting a major search.

Hundreds of people attended a memorial service for him on Saturday evening.

Deacon Helen Fisher, who led the service, had asked the congregation to light candles at 19:00 on Sunday.

Assistant Chief Constable Malcolm Graham, of Police Scotland, told a briefing outside police headquarters in Edinburgh on Saturday evening that the investigation into the disappearance of Mikaeel had continued “at pace”.

A house in Kirkcaldy was searched by police officers after Mikaeel's body was found in a wooded area behind it
The 3 year old’s body was found 20 miles away in woods behind a family members residence.

“Following formal identification, I can now confirm that a 33-year-old woman has been arrested and charged in connection with Mikaeel’s death,” he said.

“The woman is expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday.”

He said police had received more than 500 calls to a dedicated phone line in relation to Mikaeel’s disappearance.

ACC Graham thanked rescue teams and the public for their help in searching for him.

“I would like to again recognise the overwhelming public assistance that Police Scotland have received during the course of this very complex investigation. This includes his family and friends, with whom our thoughts remain,” he said.

The officer said inquiries were continuing, led by the force’s major investigation team.

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