Non-White Pervert Gets 12 Years for Raping 12-Year-Old White Girl

Peterborough Today
October 20, 2014

From left, Muhammed Waqas, Yasir Ali and Daaim Ashraf, all part of the same Muslim rape gang.

Child sex abuse probe codenamed Operation Erle passes landmark figure of 100 years in jail for offenders as man is convicted of attacks on 12-year-old:

A leading detective has warned child sex offenders there is “nowhere to hide’ as an ongoing paedophile investigation ‘Operation Erle’ passed a milestone.

Operation Erle, a joint Peterborough City Council and police investigation into child sex abuse, has just secured its ninth conviction with jail terms totalling more than 100 years.

The most recent conviction was Mohammed Abbas who groomed a 12-year-old girl before abusing her, and was jailed for 12 years.

Detective Superintendent Gary Ridgway said detectives would do everything in their power to bring offenders to justice after Abbas (30) became the ninth offender to be jailed as part of Operation Erle.

Judges have now handed out sentences totalling 101 years and nine months, with more trials expected to take place in the future.

Det Supt Ridgway said: “The 100 year milestone is a real achievement for police and children’s services and sends such a strong message to men who believe that troubled young people are fair game to be exploited.

“These men have relied on intimidation and control to keep their victims from coming forward. But these cases show that they cannot escape justice and there is nowhere for them to hide.

“We have worked tirelessly with children’s services to empower the young people and give them a voice to speak out about their abuse. They have shown tremendous bravery in standing up to their abusers and helping to bring them to justice.

Mohammed Abbas has been given 12 years for raping a 12-year-old White girl.

“We must not forget that the main objective for Operation Erle is to ensure that young people are kept safe and have an opportunity to lead fulfilling and satisfying lives.

“Our colleagues in children’s services and the NSPCC have provided fantastic support to many of the young people affected and it would be wrong not to acknowledge that.”

During the last financial year, Peterborough City Council spent £1,398,763 on Operation Erle, supporting victims and working alongside detectives in their investigation.

Sue Westcott, executive director of children’s services for Peterborough City Council, said: “So far we have seen nine men and boys jailed for more than 100 years for the awful crimes they have committed against vulnerable children in Peterborough. This is a positive result and could not have been achieved without the bravery of the girls who felt able to talk to our social workers and the police about what was happening to them. Without their courage to stand up in court and relive some of the most traumatic and personal experiences we would not have secured these convictions.

“We will continue to work closely with the police to uncover child sexual exploitation in our area and bring those responsible to justice.

“If you are a young person and you think you are being exploited or ill-treated, or if you are a parent or guardian and have concerns about your child, please get in touch and talk to us confidentially. We have dedicated social workers who you can talk to who can help to keep you safe. We also appeal to people involved with young people and children to be vigilant.

“Along with the police and other partners we need to work very hard to beat these men who prey on young people. But we cannot do it alone – we need everyone to be on the lookout.”

Abbas, formally of Gladstone Street, Peterborough, groomed the girl when she was 12 years old and took her to a park where he tried to have sex with her.

He would drive her around in his black BMW and take her to houses in Peterborough for sex. She would often not return home for several days. He was jailed at Peterborough Crown Court after being found guilty of two counts of sexual assault on a girl under 13 by penetration and two specimen charges of sexual activity with a child at a retrial. He had denied all offences.
