Non-White Student Arrested for Trying to Force White Women to Wear a Veil and Stop Laughing

Daniel Hammarberg
March 31, 2015

He has demanded that all women should be veiled. Also during breaks at school, he has demanded that other students will become Muslims.

In the Swedish town of Borås, a young Muslim man caused quite a commotion today and the police were forced to attend to the matter after he had demanded that his fellow students stopped singing a song. He also required all the women to wear a veil, as well as to stop laughing, referencing his religion. As quoted by

“Shut up, all of you, you can’t laugh here in school. God forbids us from laughing.”

The women present started to cry because of his sudden outburst, and since he refused to leave voluntarily, the police had to be called in. It got so bad that the school administration had to gather the students inside the building’s assembly hall.

New Swedes.

The principal describes the student as a fanatic. In the past it has been difficult for him to accept that he has to attend class even when he feels it’s time for the daily prayer, something for which the school has accommodations but which students are required to take care of during recess.

For now the man has been suspended from the school, and one of the fellow female students is at the ER from the shock of the encounter.

There is currently a play being staged in Sweden about religious radicalization, one I covered last November. But in that strange play, the problematic student isn’t a Muslim but rather a Christian. Sweden is a genuine Madhouse…