Non-White Thief Cannot be Deported Because He is Looking for Work as a Shepherd

May 29, 2015

The non-White Romanian shoplifter avoided deportation by claiming he wanted to work as a shepherd in a former mill town.

Marian Anghel, 59, had been caught stealing £600 worth of goods from a supermarket.

He was wearing a suit but told police that he had come to Nelson, Lancs, to look for work rounding up sheep.

Anghel claimed he had left his “shepherd’s clothes” at home 70 miles away when he came to the town, which has a population of 30,000.

He admitted theft at Burnley magistrates court but escaped jail with community service, an 18-week curfew and £320 in fines and costs.

Police had applied for a deportation certificate and this was supported by magistrates who found the Romanian’s story “rather unbelievable”.

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