Non-White Tour Guide Goes on Hilarious Drunken Racist Tirade in Chinatown

Daily Stormer
October 24, 2014

A woman of hard-to-identify ethnic origin (mulatto?) got wasted on hard liquor and went on a hilarious racist tirade about Chinese people on her last day of work as a San Francisco tour guide.

Watching a drunken idiot go on an obscenity-laden rant in public is not something that would normally be fun, necessarily, but this particular video is amusing for two reasons. First, it is another example of how multiculturalism is a complete and utter failure, which is always a good thing; and second, everything she says about gross Chinese people is pretty much true.

Here is the write-up on it from CBS San Francisco:

A tour bus ride through San Francisco took an ugly turn when it got through Chinatown. It was just last year that Chinatown was named one of the best neighborhoods in all of America, but one tour guide made it pretty clear she didn’t agree with that.

The guide was filmed during a racist and expletive-laden rant about the neighborhood and its inhabitants, and even garnered applause from tourists.

The video shows the woman, who says she is originally from Los Angeles talking through a loudspeaker to the tourists saying things like, “f**k Chinatown.  F**k your little herb gardens.  F**k your little seafood f**king markets and your turtles and your frogs. F**k your f**king ginseng. F**k your little hair salons where no one in there knows how to speak English!”

The unidentified guide was apparently on her last day of the job was filmed by tourists on a double-decker bus rolling through the city’s Chinatown neighborhood while she drank from a brown bottle.

“When you come to America you gotta assimilate a little bit, and here in America we don’t eat turtles or frogs, OK? But they gotta bring that here to America, OK? There’s a limit, OK? You gotta assimilate a little bit Chinatown!” she says. “F**k your laundry hanging out the window, f**k your three or four people inside each one of your little SROs!”


Maybe it’s just cathartic to watch someone do what many of us sane White probably people feel like doing daily but could never get away with. If this was a White woman the video would be horrific as we all would know that from now her life would be over. But seeing as she in one of those lucky enough to have been born with non-White privilege, she’ll be ok.