Non-White Wannabe Jihadis Plotted to Behead a White Man for Remembrance Sunday

Daily Mail
November 22, 2014

The Non-White barbarians plotted to behead one of the hated White British in the lead up to Remembrance Sunday.

Three Muslim men accused of plotting to behead a member of the public days before Remembrance Sunday laughed yesterday as they appeared in court for the first time.

Haseeb Hamayoon, 27, and cousins Nadir Sayed, 21, and Yousaf Syed, 19, smirked and giggled in the dock as prosecutors claimed they planned to carry out an atrocity on the streets of Britain.

They were arrested days before Remembrance Sunday after police discovered their alleged knife plot.

The timing of the arrests created fears of a Remembrance Day outrage and resulted in a massive security operation in Whitehall as the Queen led events at the Cenotaph to commemorate the anniversary of the start of the First World War.

Yesterday, the alleged plotters appeared under heavy guard at Westminster Magistrates’ Court after being charged with intending to commit acts of terrorism just hours earlier.

Traffic was halted as they were brought to court in two armoured prison vans escorted by three unmarked police cars.

All three men were driven to Westminster Magistrates’ Court where they sat in the dock laughing and giggling, safe in the knowledge that the worst that can happen to them is a prison sentence, unlike the harsh punishments for treason in their own homelands.

The two bearded cousins stood defiantly with their arms crossed on being told to sit down by chief magistrate District Judge Michael Snow, nudging each other and laughing as the alleged beheading plot was outlined.

Hamayoon sat throughout the hearing, nodding and waving at two older family members in the public gallery.

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