Nordstrom Drops Ivanka’s Brand to Take Revenge on Trump for Being Such a WINNER

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2017

I know well, as do others who have confronted the Jews, that the Jews will attack your family members to take revenge on you.

It is the way these filthy kikes operate.

Although it is unnatural to us, I have argued that it is high time we responded in kind, and started confronting the families of Jews and those who work for the Jews.


U.S. President Donald Trump’s Twitter attack on Nordstrom Inc (JWN.N) on Wednesday for dropping his daughter Ivanka’s clothing line raised concerns about the use of his White House platform for his family’s businesses.

Concerns among who?

Among the Jews?

In response to the Twitter comment Trump posted criticizing Nordstrom, which has said its move was based on the sales performance of the Ivanka Trump products, White House spokesman Sean Spicer characterized the company’s action as a “direct attack” on the president’s policies.

“My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person — always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!,” Trump said on Wednesday in his post on both his personal and official presidential Twitter accounts.

Trump’s comments underscore the complicated relationship that the wealthy New York real estate developer who became president on Jan. 20 has with his sprawling family business interests amid criticism from Democrats and others about the ethics and legality of the arrangement.

During a White House briefing, Spicer painted Nordstrom’s action as an attack on the president’s daughter.

“For someone to take out their concern with his policies on a family member of his is just not acceptable. And the president has every right as a father to stand up to them,” Spicer said.

Nordstrom did not respond to requests seeking comment. A spokeswoman for the Ivanka Trump brand declined to comment.

These people will come at you anywhere they think they can hit you. It is long past time we did the same.

We need a scorched earth policy in dealing with our enemies, starting now.

It goes without saying: boycott Nordstrom.

Though I don’t imagine a lot of DS readers frequent the store…