North Carolina GOP Office Firebombed!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 17, 2016


Third-worldization intensifies!

Fire-bombing opposition offices!


A GOP office in Hillsborough, North Carolina, was firebombed overnight, with a swastika and the words “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” spray painted on an adjacent building, according to local officials.

“The flammable substance appears to have ignited inside the building, burned some furniture and damaged the building’s interior before going out. The substance was housed in a bottle thrown through one of the building’s front windows,” according to a statement by the town of Hillsborough.

A bottle of flammable liquid was thrown through the Orange County Republican headquarters, police said.

“This highly disturbing act goes far beyond vandalizing property; it willfully threatens our community’s safety via fire, and its hateful message undermines decency, respect and integrity in civic participation,” Hillsborough Mayor Tom Stevens said in a statement.

“I believe I speak for the overwhelming majority of people who make Hillsborough their home: Acts like this have no place in our community,” he said. “Our law enforcement officials are responding quickly and thoroughly to investigate this reprehensible act and prosecute the perpetrators.”

CNN conveniently doesn’t mention the grafitti that accompanied the bombing – “Nazi Republicans leave town or else.”

Trump gave a proper response, but is being accused of calling Black people “animals.”

More than likely the bombing wasn’t even done by Blacks. I have not heard of Black people using molotov cocktails before. They would end up catching themselves on fire. This was “anarchists” – Whites who are assisting our racial enemies because… actually, the reasoning isn’t totally clear. I think they’re mostly trying to get laid with unhinged pink-haired feminists.

These “anarchist” groups are mostly women.


And I guess the beta faggots that join are thinking “well, they’re going to have to have sex with someone eventually…”

They don’t know about Tyrone.