North Carolina: Obama Dropping Immigrants Off at Wal-Mart to Get Free Food on EBT Cards

Daily Stormer
July 15, 2014

UPDATE: ALIPAC is claiming that a local tea party group has claimed that these immigrants video-taped are legal immigrants in NC for seasonal work. It just makes me think of how idiotic ALIPAC’s name is (Americans for Legal Immigration). I don’t care why these strange critters are here – they should not be here.

As part of the weird program of invasion orchestrated by the Jews and implemented by the ridiculous black President of America, immigrants who have recently invaded America were filmed being dropped off in a school bus at a Wal-Mart in North Carolina to get free things from the American taxpayer.

Despite the insane claims of the Jews that these Mexicans are all going to become rocket scientists and quantum physicists, we all know they are mostly low IQ morons who come here just to live on welfare and commit crimes.

Though the rich of America love the idea of collapsing the labor market with these unskilled millions, taking away good paying jobs from working class Americans, the invasion agenda goes beyond that – it is part of the Jew scheme to bring down the White race by flooding our nations with genocidal levels of vibrant diversity.

The Jews do this subconsciously, and are unable to help themselves.  They are going to destroy their own populations right along with us.