North Dakota Just Says Abortion Ban Unconstitutional Because Abortion Makes Women Happy

I normally agree with this sentiment. But this bitch wants to actually kill the kids. I just say “fuck them kids” in reference to kids watching beheading videos on the internet or smoking vapes. “I want to kill my kids” is such an extreme position.

Related: Watch: Planned Parenthood Executives Talk About Selling Body Parts of Babies

We’ve done the feminist experiment. What we’ve found out is that the most important thing to women is to be able to murder their own children. That is far and above their most pressing political concern.

If their children are alive, they want to be able to turn them gay and mutilate their genitals.

Further down the list, women also support mass nonwhite immigration and senseless wars all over the world. They also support communism.

There is literally no one on the entire earth who could make the argument that female liberation has been good for society. No one even tries to make that argument anymore, really. Instead, they just say it is intrinsically moral to allow women to run buckwild, and society just has to deal with it, even if it completely destroys society. Because it’s a moral imperative.


A state judge struck down North Dakota’s ban on abortion Thursday, saying that the state constitution creates a fundamental right to access abortion before a fetus is viable.

In his ruling, state District Judge Bruce Romanick also said that the law violates the state constitution because it is too vague.

Judge Bruce Romanick

Under the judge’s order, abortion would be legal in North Dakota, but the state currently has no clinics performing them, and the Republican-dominated state government would be expected to appeal the ruling.

The state’s only abortion provider had been the Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo, but it moved a few miles to Moorehead, Minnesota, in 2022, after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and allowed states to ban abortion. Director Tammi Kromenaker said there are no plans to reopen a clinic in North Dakota but Thursday’s decision “gives us hope.”

The offices of Republican Gov. Doug Burgum and GOP state Attorney General Drew Wrigley did not immediately respond to the ruling, though Wrigley’s office said he would issue a statement Thursday.

Romanick was ruling on the state’s request to dismiss a 2022 lawsuit filed by the Red River clinic. After the clinic’s move, the state argued that a trial wouldn’t make a difference. The judge had canceled a trial set for August.

But Romanick cited how North Dakota Constitution’s guarantees “inalienable rights,” including “life and liberty.”

The abortions statutes at issue in this case infringe on a woman’s fundamental right to procreative autonomy, and are not narrowly tailored to promote women;s health or to protect unborn human life,” Romanick wrote in his 24-page order. “The law as currently drafted takes away a woman’s liberty and her right to pursue and obtain safety and happiness.”

I’m sure killing their own children does make women happy. No one can argue that. We see them talking about it, they are always very excited.

It used to be “abortion is a tragedy, but it’s sometimes necessary.” Their slogan was “safe and rare.” Now they celebrate abortion as a positive good. They are really into it. Big time.

But if everyone has a right to do anything that makes them happy based on the “pursuit of happiness” clause (it’s not a clause) in the US Constitution, then I have a right to rape sluts. That makes me happy: rape.

Many people are made happy by killing people other than their own children. It would make me happy to kill all of the enemies, like The Punisher.

If I was allowed to do anything that made me happy, there would be a massive rape and piles of bodies 50 feet tall lining the streets.

It doesn’t make sense. It’s nonviable to just say anyone is allowed to do anything that makes them feel good.

“Pursuit of happiness” is not really even a legal matter, but insofar as it is, it just means you have a right to be left alone. It doesn’t mean you can kill people.

Anyway, this isn’t a serious ruling and isn’t going to change anything.

But it is very funny that some boomer judge is like “but abortion makes women happy!”