North Korea Says Missile Installation in South Korea May Result in “Actual War”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 7, 2017

The situation on the Korean Peninsula appears to be accelerating.


North Korea has warned that US and South Korean joint military exercises could result in “actual war.”

North Korean diplomat Ju Yong Choi described the joint military exercises as “massive, unprecedented” and a “major cause of escalation of tension that might turn into actual war,” reported Reuters.

The diplomat, speaking in Geneva to a UN-sponsored conference on disarmament, said the ongoing exercises were aimed at conducting a “pre-emptive nuclear attack” against Pyongyang.

The latest comments come amid rising tensions on the peninsula, with the US deploying the first elements of its anti-missile defence system to South Korea.

In response, US Disarmament Ambassador Robert Wood said North Korea was “a pariah, an outlier” which violated international laws with its ballistic missile and nuclear tests.

On Tuesday the first pieces of the US missile defence system – Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) – arrived in South Korea, reported Reuters. THAAD is designed to detect and destroy incoming missiles from North Korea which threaten civilian populations.

Last month US Defense Secretary James Mattis said no countries had anything to fear from THAAD “other than North Korea.”

It’s not a secret that I have a great respect for North Korea, but I think it’s time to deescalate this situation.

I personally do not believe that Kim Jong-Un is insane. The use of this “such and such world leader is literally insane” seems to always be a lie. It is self-evident that in order to run a country – any country – a person has to have a degree of mental stability. Accusations of insanity against adversarial world leaders appear to be a method of reducing complicated situations into single sentence explanations to which there can be no follow-up questions.

If we operate on the theory that he is not insane, then there is something he wants, which can serve as a basis for talks.

I think Trump can solve this. Let me tell you why.

Previous world leaders who have tried to address North Korea have done so on the belief that they don’t have a right to exist. This is the globalist mentality – there is no place in the world for closed states.

Trump is not operating on that assumption. Trump has made it clear that he is comfortable with other countries doing what they want to do in their own countries.

Going into talks with North Korea with the position of “we want to leave you alone, but in order to do that, we need you to leave us alone – let’s figure out how we can make a deal that allows for both those things to happen” is a position of strength, and a position from which an agreement can conceivably be reached.

This North Korea thing has been going on forever. If Trump can solve it, that would be a big deal, and something that the Jew media wouldn’t be able to take away from him.

The problem that I see is that Trump is currently having tensions with China, and obviously China would have to play a key role in any NK talks. In some sense, this entire NK situation is a Vietnam-type proxy conflict between the China and the US.

But if the problem is that the NK situation cannot be solved because of a problem with China, then that is what we need to be talking about. If NK is a separate issue from China, then we need to talk about how to deescalate by making a deal with NK that is satisfactory to all parties.