Daily Slave
February 2, 2015

Read this laughable blurb taken from an article written by Northwestern Professor Emma K. Adam. She actually claims that Black people can’t sleep because of “racism.”
It is painfully obvious that some forms of unequal treatment due to race are immediately deadly. But new research shows that other forms of racial discrimination are more perniciously harmful and dangerous to an individual’s health on a daily basis.
Recent research has shown that unequal treatment of black people by civilians in daily life, also known as everyday discrimination, affects biology in ways that have small but cumulative negative effects. Discrimination affects biological processes such as stress hormones and sleep, which are important for health and daily performance.
Everyday experiences of discrimination (such as being treated with less respect or receiving poorer service) are common and affect black people in the US more frequently than white people. In national data (paywall) comparing perceptions of discrimination by black and white people, 24.8% of black people believe themselves to “often” be the target of everyday discrimination, compared to only 3.4% of white people. By contrast, 44.1% of white people say they are “never” the target of everyday discrimination, whereas only 8.8% of black people claim never to be discriminated against in daily life.
If we assume what she is saying is true than Blacks should move to Africa where there are fewer White people and less “racism.” They might have to avoid getting killed, raped and eaten by their fellow Blacks but at least they’ll be able to sleep better.
Of course she fails to mention the obvious solution to the problem which in my view completely discredits her as any serious academic.