Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
July 29, 2014

Most of you have probably heard the expression that if you want to boil a frog in milk, put it in the pan before it boils then boil it, otherwise it will jump out. Some anti-Whites in Norway realize this is true about mass non-White immigration and diversity – the key elements of White genocide.
Rita Karlsen, is the general manager of “Human Rights Services“, a Norwegian organization which aims to integrate immigrants into Norway.
On the website,, she published an article where she explained that people in Oslo are becoming upset from the massive increase of immigrants into the city over the last few years.
“Oslo continues to grow at record speed, a growth that is immigrant-related and where more and more areas and schools in Oslo, the majority of the population has an immigrant background, especially non-Western.” she writes.
Karlsen explains that the city is becoming more non-White because firstly, many White people are moving out of the city, and secondly, non-White immigration is increasing. This is similar to the UK, where 600,000 White people moved out of London in the last decade.
“There seems to be an unpleasant but nonetheless real tendency that the [more people] with non-Western backgrounds in a district, the higher the emigration of people with Norwegian background. And while the population of Norwegian origin decreases very rapidly, [those of a] non-western background [increases] about as fast.”
“It is a known fact that immigrants in Oslo are unevenly distributed among neighborhoods […] We therefore argue that segregation is increasing in Oslo…“
A report found that 57 of the 129 primary (elementary) and secondary (high) schools in Oslo, the majority were composed of “linguistic minorities”.
“20 of these have less than a third of pupils with Norwegian as their mother tongue, and six have between 91 and 98 percent minority students.” says Karlsen.
She says that government attitudes towards immigration and integration “cause them to no longer have any popular support.”
“Immigration to Oslo is not sustainable […] the city should lawfully, get a temporary halt on immigration.“
“Human Rights Services” conducted a report titled “Segregation, Diversity and Integration – focusing on Oslo’s districts and school.“.
In the report it predicts that because of immigration Norwegians are likely to become a minority in Oslo in 16 years time, where 7 districts out of 15 total districts are predicted to have a Norwegian minority.
The report looks further into the future and predicts that by 2100, Norway’s population will grow from 5.1 million to 14 million, and of these 14 million, 4.5 million will be non-White.
During the 60′s, 70′s, and 80′s when all the mass non-White immigration started, very few people predicted that it would go this far. If you told people who hundreds of cities around the planet were going to become minority White, you would probably be called a “scare-monger”. No one could see the White genocide that was in motion.
White genocide first started with the slow, but steady opening of White countries borders. This allows non-White immigrants to pour into White countries, turning us into a minority.
However, the majority of non-White immigrants are not interested in going to rural areas – instead preferring to stick to well-developed cities.
What this would mean is, the cities would be non-White and the rural areas would be White. But because anti-Whites desire to turn White people into a minority EVERYWHERE, they must push for “diversity“.
When they speak of “diversity” the mean that no area can be “too White”, and areas which are “too White” must immediately give special benefits to non-White people to encourage them to move in.
In a nutshell, diversity means chasing down White people – it is a codeword for White genocide, because White people are deliberately becoming a minority as a result of these policies.