Norway: ISIS Organizes Street Gang to Fight the Soldiers of Odin

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2016


Our Superheroes in Norway, the Soldiers of Odin (a spin-off of a Finnish group of the same name) now have their first Supervillain team to fight: ISIS has organized a street gang, calling it the Soldiers of Allah.

Daily Mail:

Islamists have formed a Soldiers of Allah group in Norway in response to the arrival of the controversial Soldiers of Odin – and revealed a ‘uniform’ featuring an ISIS logo.

The new organisation, based in Norway’s capital Oslo, has given itself the official name of ‘Jundullaah’ and vowed to patrol the streets.

It was set up by Islamists to counter the extreme right-wing vigilante group Soldiers of Odin which has recently spread across Scandinavia from Finland to Norway.

According to VG, they have even come up with a uniform – a black hoodie decorated with the black and white ISIS flag.

The Local reports that the group told VG: ‘In response to the infidel group Soldiers of Odin patrols, we Muslims have chosen to create a group that will patrol the streets, first in Oslo, to prevent evil and encourage the good.’

Norwegian Police have yet to comment on the formation of the group.

But The Local quotes the country’s Labour deputy leader Hadia Tajik as condemning both organisations.

She said: ‘Vigilantism does not belong in Norway, whether they do it in the name of Odin or Allah.

‘I assume that the police, who are the only ones who have the authority to patrol the streets and use force, are following these groups as closely as the circumstances require.

So, this is new Europe: your police won’t protect you from the gang-rapists they flooded your country with, so your young men for their own patrol teams to protect you. Then the gang-rapists form counter patrols to protect themselves, and the police have no comment.


Magic rock


vs. Sky-hammer man

The fact that we’ve reverted back to symbols of ancient war gods to stand against the desert cube god Allah is encouraging, I think.


Any intensification of situations is always a good thing. You now have people wearing ISIS flags patrolling the streets of Europe. That has to send up a few red flags, even in the dull minds of the dullest of the dull.