Norway: Teenage Girl Raped by Black Immigrant

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2015


Someone must really be doing racism hard on these Blacks in Europe, with all this rape they’ve been doing.

If someone wasn’t racisming on them, they’d act just the same as us. That’s how we know this rape epidemic is the fault of Whites – who else could be at fault? The Blacks themselves? Ha! They can’t ever be responsible for anything!

Police blocked on Tuesday a road in Forde, Sogn og Fjordane where the rape allegedly occurred. Police have arrested and charged an African man for raping a Norwegian teenage girl.

The African man in his 30s, has Norwegian citizenship and is now detained at the police station in Sogn og Fjordane, writes newspaper Firda.

The rape took place last Monday, but the girl did not immediately report it.

Police blocked on Tuesday Korsavegen/Hornnes road Forde between the hours of 15 to 18 to ensure technical track.

Police now want tips from the public that has seen something on September 28 in the period from 20.15 to 21.45.

Bergens Tidende and VG with alternative versions of the event

Where local newspaper Firdaposten go out with signaling devices and uses the police description of the perpetrator, the Bergens Tidende, the journalist Eystein Røssum, chosen to disregard this completely from his article.

In Bergens Tidende referred Africans only as “a man,” “Man in the 30s” and “the accused man.”

At VG the situation stands a little better but not by much. There, journalist Siri Eggen, of Bergens Tidende, chose to omit police description entirely from the self-produced text. She also refers to the African as “A man in his 30s” and “the accused.”

She has, however, laid out the police’s own tweets, where this information can be read.