Norwegian Government Responds to Phishing Emails – Immediately Blames Global Putinist Conspiracy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 4, 2017

Top protocol instructions: whenever anything happens, immediately blame Russia.

Unless it is something good, then say it is a result of progressive values, anal sex with men, diversity and mass third world immigration.

But as most things that happen in Europe these days are bad, you can bet it’s a safe bet to just blame Russia whenever anyone says that anything happened.


Government officials in Norway have been breached by a phishing attack which authorities promptly pinned on ‘Russian hackers,’ claiming the hack was allegedly traced back to the same culprits that compromised the DNC servers in the US last year.

Nine personal civil-servant email accounts have been compromised, the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) announced, just days after the agency coincidently identified possible Russian spying as the greatest potential threat to the country.

The Labor Party and “a handful of other Norwegian targets” were subjected to email attacks that allegedly took place last autumn, the Dagbladet reported. The defense and foreign ministries as well as security service staff were among those targeted, the BBC reports citing local media.

“The attacks had a signature that indicates those behind the hacking can be identified as APT29,” PST spokesman Martin Berntsen told the Associated Press. “They can be traced back to Russia,” he stated without elaborating further, while conceding that no classified information has been compromised.

CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company hired by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to investigate the June 2016 data breach, was first to accuse APT29 – which they named “Cozy Bear” and “Fancy Bear” – of being Russian government entities. However, CrowdStrike has never offered any proof for this assertion.

Spear phishing – the forging of trusted communication to access private data – isn’t a Russian know-how but a popular and quite unsophisticated fraud technique that is widely used around the world to hijack electronic accounts.

The Nigerians know how to do this.

The friggin Nigerians.

But somehow any time it happens, it’s Russia. Without evidence that it was Russia. In this case, without evidence that it even actually happened.

Labour’s leader, Jonas Gahr Store, also confirmed the breach of his party’s emails, after being notified of the hack by PST on Wednesday.

The new revelations follow PST’s latest threat assessment on national security published Wednesday, where Norway said that Russian intelligence poses the greatest challenge for the country.

“It is primarily Russia that has intentions and capacity to do intelligence activities with big damage potential for Norway and Norwegian interests,” the annual report from the Police Security Service (PST) reads.

The public isn’t even buying this meme. Throughout Western Europe, polls continually show that people aren’t thinking about Russia and don’t care about Russia.

But they have to push it.

Because they have no other memes.