Not a Hate Crime: Black Arrested for Shooting Snow-Loving Arab

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 17, 2015

Nigga aint lyk dat muffugguh, gabe him da gatt
“Nigga aint lyk dat muffugguh, gabe him da gatt” – if White people didn’t hold this guy down, he’d be building rocket ships instead of randomly shooting people on the street!

About a week and a half ago an Iraqi refugee got shot while taking a picture of the snow in Texas, and the liberals came out and wrote blogs about how it was probably a White racist.  They compared it to the fat guy who shot those Hadjis who kept stealing his parking spot.


The funny thing is, I didn’t even think about any other possibility when I reported it, simply assuming that it was done by some goofy “unarmed teen” with a gun for no reason at all. Because Blacks are the only people who kill people for no reason – just completely at random. And they do it constantly.

NY Daily News:

A Texas teen has been arrested for fatally shooting an Iraqi refugee watching his first-ever snowfall, police said.

Nykerion Nealon, 17, was arrested early Friday after gunning down Ahmed al-Jumaili outside his Dallas apartment complex March 4, Maj. Jeff Cotner told reporters alongside the victim’s father-in-law Friday.

Al-Jumaili was shot in front of his wife and brother, three weeks after fleeing Iraq to be in a safer place and reunite with his wife, who had moved to America a year earlier.

Nealon, who went by the nickname Kaca, did not know al-Jumaili and shot him while seeking revenge, Cotner said. Someone reportedly shot at his girlfriend’s apartment in a neighboring complex, making Nealon round up three buddies to look for the suspect, a witness told police. They went to Nealon’s apartment to get his assault rifle and then headed to Al-Jumaili’s apartment complex.

The thug saw al-Jumaili taking pictures of the snow and raised his rifle, one of his friends told police. The friend took cover under bushes and heard shots ring out, he said.

Al-Jumaili ran back to his apartment as Nealon followed him with his eyes, continually aiming his rifle and firing at him, Cotner said. Al-Jumaili was shot in the chest.

The Iraqi collapsed in the breezeway of his apartment building. He died in the hospital the next day.

Most of the SJWs who jumped on this deleted their posts when it came out that – horror of horrors – it was one of their precious NOGS that shot one of their precious WOGS.

Here’s one that forgot to delete:

3 weeks in the US, dead because he wanted a photo of snow

Note that I don’t mean to sound callous here with regards to the dead Arab.  It is a very sad story.  But you know, it is just more of the same.