Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 2, 2015

As we reported last month, the EU has devised a plan to go to Africa and find poor, suffering victims who need to be taken care of by the big White daddy because they are so completely incapable of caring for their own selves, and literally fly them into Europe on airplanes.
Ostensibly, this is geared at stopping the sea invasion, because “oh my poor monkeys are so oppressed they can’t build a boat that works and they’re drowning themselves!”
Along with being completely insane, this proposal also supposes, wrongly, that there is some type of finality on the immigration of Africans into Europe. When in reality, no. They are just going to keep coming, having more babies to send, forever.
The only finality will be when there are no more White people to leech off of, and they stop coming. Even the ones here will head back when Whitey’s gone, as they won’t be capable of keeping the heating on.
Africa’s envoy to the European Union warned Wednesday that EU plans to process migrants in the countries they leave or transit on their way to Europe are “a dangerous approach.”
The EU is trying to persuade Niger, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Turkey to pre-screen migrants and has launched a pilot project to send immigration officers abroad to help assess asylum demands.
African Union Ambassador Ajay Kumar Bramdeo told EU lawmakers that by outsourcing migrant management, the EU would be “shirking its own responsibility in receiving refugees and migrants, also in footing the bill for managing and controlling migration.”
More than 280,000 people entered the EU illegally last year, according to figures released Tuesday by the EU’s border agency Frontex.
Thousands have taken to rickety boats from conflict-torn Libya and Europe’s coast guards are unable to cope.
Frustrated by its inability to handle the migration wave, the EU has sought to tackle the problem at its source, mainly in Africa.
Yeah, deal with the source: start nuking African cities, or at least release some type of killer mutant virus. This isn’t rocket science: we’ve come to the point where either we’re going to need to clear some of these people out, or they’re going to clear us out and then proceed to clear themselves out.
The head of the International Organization for Migration’s EU office, Eugenio Ambrosi, cautioned against any rush to set up processing centers.
“The priority has to be about protecting people and not protecting borders,” he said.
Ambrosi noted that some EU nations have been unwilling to share the costs and responsibility of housing asylum seekers with partners like Greece, Italy and Malta, which are bearing the brunt of the migration wave. Germany and Sweden are also hosting many refugees from Iraq and Syria.
So who are you then asking to hold more of these apes, Ambrosi? The Czech? Romania? Why would anyone want these people in their country? On yeah, no one does. They just accept it in some sort of weird masochistic ritual. But the time has come. Enough is now enough. Going to Africa to find these people so you can fly them here is beyond the pale.