Not The Onion: Australia May Have ‘Food Racism’

Daily Stormer
January 13, 2017

Won’t you dine with me?

A very small article brought to my attention one of the most hilarious arguments I’ve ever come across.

Food Racism.

I was totally unaware that this was a thing.


Australian native foods are still a rarity on Australian dinner plates and author John Newton wants that to change.

…he extolls the virtues of produce like kangaroo, pepper berry and magpie goose.

He also argues that the embrace of native foods could be a path to reconciliation

I googled ‘food racism’ and as it turns out this is not the first time this ridiculous argument has been debated when it comes to Australians and their gorgeous Aboriginals.

The Conversation:

By Australian food we mean the plants, fruits and animals that have grown here and sustained the indigenous people of the land for over 50,000 years.

If we eat only the food brought by the first settlers and all those who followed, can we call ourselves Australian?

The successive waves of migrant arrivals since 1945 also bought their cultures and foods with them. And what did Anglo Australia do? Ate them up.

Embraced the food of migrants more than just about any country in the world.

The result is that Australia is not just multicultural, it’s multiculinary. Australians will go to a Thai restaurant – any kind of restaurant – and have no fear.

They’ll happily eat boat noodle soup with beef blood stirred through it or stinking tofu: but not witchetty grubs or quandongs or akudjura (bush tomatoes).

Yes, how racist of Australians to sit down and enjoy this:

And not pass it up to have this instead:

The aboriginals were revolutionary with their cuisine

Secondly, neophilia, the fear of new foods, a concept introduced by psychologist Paul Rozin. And new they were.

Giant marsupials that bounded across the landscape; limes shaped like fingers; flour – nardoo – made from a fern. Large white tree grubs. Strange grub indeed.

What can we do about this reluctance to eat the foods native to this country without which, we contend, we cannot truly call ourselves Australians?

Perhaps Australia Day should be celebrated with a meal of Australian and introduced food, shared by all Australians.

It would be an act of culinary reconciliation.

Aboriginals are asking for a lot if they require civilized white people to eat their primitive cuisine in order to let them off the hook for the stolen generation, which didn’t even happen.

As a white person, you’d have to really hate yourself to go out of your way to eat like and with them.

I would consider somebody who does that to be a sadist.

But these are the same shitlibs who look at Aboriginal ‘artwork’ and wank over how beautiful it is.

Better than anything done by a white person

But come on Goy, don’t be a bigot and let Aunty Darri and Jiba fix you some supper.

They spent all day catchin’ grubs for ya