Nothing Happens If You Do or Do Not Give Donald Trump Moral Support

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2019

People have been getting very emotional about the Trump issue in light of his failures to push through his policies, and his apparent partial embrace of a neocon policy in Venezuela. Along with his “State of the Second World War” speech and other issues.

I would ask people to take a step back and realize that it does not really make any difference if you give Trump moral support. Nothing much changes if you do or do not do that.

Theoretically, by posting in comments sections or talking to people in real life, you could contribute to a climate of widescale anti-Trump sentiment. If there were enough of you working together, you could possibly create some kind of meme energy around a right-wing anti-Trump movement. But I don’t really see what purpose that would serve. It seems like it would make a lot more sense to tell people “Trump tried to make America great again and he failed because he was thwarted by Jews.” You can then point to all of the Jews who have caused all of these problems. If your goal is to actually educate people about the Jews, rather than to get emotional and throw a tantrum, then you would certainly be better off taking that strategy.

But whatever you do as one individual is not going to make very much difference. So probably, you should not be overly emotionally involved in “AM I ON OR OFF THE TRUMP TRAIN???” and instead focusing on more important things which you actually do have control over, such as working with people in real life, working on yourself and spreading the core message which has absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump.

Hopefully, by taking a step back, you can realize that the level of emotion you are investing in Donald Trump really isn’t worth it. He is one guy and his personal motivations and mindset are totally irrelevant. What matters is the Trump phenomenon, which saw white Americans waking up and recognizing their group interests.

The Mission of the Daily Stormer

It does matter if I support Trump, because I run a large far-right website.

Please understand that this site does not exist to give news updates to dedicated neon-nazis. That has never been a goal of this website. And if it is used that way, it is simply a side-effect, an unintended dual purpose, similar to the way God designed a woman’s mouth to give men blowjobs but it can also be used to talk.

The singular purpose of this site is to bring new people around to our way of thinking by using hard truth, humor and easily repeated memes. That is all I ever wanted to do, and any time I have ever tried to use this site for any other purpose, it has resulted in disaster.

So it does matter if I support Trump on this site. Because I am trying to reach normal people on the right, and normal people on the right support Donald Trump, strongly. They are open to our ideas. But that openness shuts off if they visit this site and I’m attacking Trump like every other media outlet.

I am not trying to trigger well-educated neon-nazis, and if you people complaining to me were as smart as you think you are, you would have figured that out without me having to explicitly spell it out as I’m doing right now. I am not even speaking to you, other than by the above mentioned side-effect phenomenon. You could all leave this site and never come back and still understand for the rest of your life all the basic things you need to understand. So if you don’t like pro-Trump stuff, and it sends you into an emotional rage, then don’t send me an email about it, just stop reading the site.

I’m not trying to cyber-bully you.

I fully understand the issues with Trump. I pay a whole lot of attention to this stuff. But from a strategic point of view, attacking Trump helps my mission in no way whatsoever. It severely limits my reach, and I gain what? Hardcore neon-nazis sending me messages saying “YOU FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT!!!!1111”?

I will continue to push back against things as I have, such as the cuck-out on the shutdown and subsequent confusion about the wall, and this apparent war in Venezuela situation. I have called for Trump to fire all Jews, including Jared Kusher (excluding Stephen Miller). But if I say “TRUMP IS A KIKE SHILL!!!!1” – which I don’t even actually believe – all I do is lose standing in the eyes of a large body of Trump supporters, and thus lose the ability to criticize him from the perspective of “I support Trump and his agenda but what he is doing here goes against his agenda.”

Furthermore, even though I am frustrated with Trump, he is still useful in the realm of the culture war even if he fails on every policy front. The fact that all of these Jews and women and brown people still hate him and will always hate him makes him a useful figure in that realm.

You Don’t Know How Bad Things Can Get

Being really smug and talking about how Trump is a shill and attacking the idiots who still support him might be fun, but when Trump actually does fail, the fun is going to be over.

Frankly, I do not think the people throwing fits about Donald Trump have any idea just how bad things are going to get when he’s gone. And the way things are going, he may be gone sooner rather than later.

When he is gone, what is going to happen is that the left will declare war on everyone who supported him, alleging that they are members of a Russian conspiracy. You remember when CNN crawled up on that old lady’s front lawn and accused her of being a KGB spook.

Hell is going to be unleashed when there is a Democrat president.

There is going to be an absolute crackdown. They are going to first lockdown the internet, then they are going to arrest all of the top right-wing people and put them on show trials as members of a Trump-Russia-Naziracist conspiracy. Those who evade the net will have other problems, as everyone is going to be taxed to hell to pay for the immigrants which will flood their neighborhoods to feed off of them.

Antifa are going to be released in full force to shut down everything. They are going to riot and burn every even mildly right-wing event, and I believe they are going to start attacking churches.

And the badge-niggers will do what badge-niggers always do: absolutely nothing.

This is to say that rather than thinking about Donald Trump, and whether you support him, or trying to police people who do support him, you need to be thinking about what you’re going to do when this is over. And you need to be preparing. If you’re already doxed, I would start thinking now about trying to get out of the country.

I’m serious.

You see these people. We all see these people.

If you think things are bad now, then oh my sweet summer child.

This is the calm before the storm, and you need to make the best possible use of the time you have.