Hostage Situation in Belguim May be Related to the One in Sydney

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2014

"Before these Moslems showed up, I was thinking about blowing my brains out this place sucked so bad.  Then they brought the diversity, and the place because vibrant, and now every day is filled with joy." -A resident of Ghent, Belgium
“Before these Moslems showed up, I was thinking about blowing my brains out this place sucked so bad. Then they brought the diversity, and the place became vibrant, and now every day is filled with joy.” -A resident of Ghent, Belgium on the benefits of diversity

In the Belgian town of Ghent, there is presently a developing hostage situation, and media is saying it may be related to the massive hostage crisis in Sydney, Australia.

Daily Stormer Sydney Hostage Post (has links to best streams and live feeds)

Four armed men were said to have entered an apartment in the town, and authorities have closed down surrounding zones.


Unconfirmed reports indicate that the four men have taken one male hostage but it is unknown whether the situation is related to the ongoing Sydney cafe hostage siege.

“They’re in the building but it’s not clear what’s going on inside,” a police spokesman said.

Belgian authorities have ordered residents in the city to remain indoors for safety reasons.

Presently, almost no information is available beyond this.

It seems unlikely it is unrelated to the ongoing situation in Sydney, as that would be a weird coincidence. The hadjis in Sydney don’t seem very professional though, and if I had to guess, I would say this is not coordinated. More likely, if this is Moslems (who else would it be?), they just woke up and saw the news about Sydney and were like “yeah, woooo, allah akber” and went and attacked some apartments.

I am so sick of these sickening people.

Can you guys remind me again why the Jews tell us they are in our countries? My mind is drawing a blank.

More pictures of Ghent, which indigenous residents say was a “complete and utter hellhole” before massive immigration from Islamic countries.  Please note that all of these buildings were designed and built by Moslem immigrants in the last five years – before they showed up it looked like Africa, because as you all know, Europeans have no culture.

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