NPR Conducts Softball Interview with James Alefantis the Sick Faggot at the Center of Pizzagate

Ben Richards
Daily Stormer
November 28, 2016


A full investigation is needed into James Alefantis the disgusting faggot involved with these Pizzagate child sex allegations.

The disreputable fake news outlet known as National Public Radio or NPR conducted a short interview with James Alefantis today. You can download the audio of the NPR interview here. Alefantis is the sick faggot who has become the central figure of the Pizzagate child sex ring allegations. My previous article goes into some of the details surrounding the scandal.

Long story short, Alefantis is the owner of a weird Washington DC pizza joint called Comet Ping Pong. He is a creepy figure who has numerous connections to Washington DC insiders like John Podesta and others. It is believed by many researchers that he is involved in providing powerful political figures children for sex.

After listening to the NPR’s interview with Alefantis, it is clear that NPR has no interest in real journalism. Linda Wertheimer who did the interview from NPR actually declared him to be a victim and didn’t challenge him on a single point.

She allowed him to get away with saying that the whole Pizzagate thing was insane and that it was just some bizarre conspiracy theory. She didn’t even question him when he said that there was nothing wrong about him posting images of random children on his Instagram account. Nor did she bring up the fact that these child photos had highly disturbing comments made about them and were mixed in with other photos showing all sorts of degenerate garbage.

This shows that there is a continued full court press by all prominent corporate media outlets and social media sites to discredit all independent research related to Pizzagate. They are all defending this degenerate faggot Alefantis and painting him as a victim of a witch hunt by online bullies. This narrative is entirely false. This whole situation warrants a full investigation and we aren’t going to get one if these media whores continue with their cover up.