NPR Nig-Kike: “Will Racism End When Old Bigots Die?”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2017

A mutant freak named Leah Donnella – a half kike Negroid – has written an article for NPR theorizing that the racial hatreds in America will end when old people die.

Look at this sick nig-kike.

The whole Jew face is evident even when half nig, smdh.

Those Jew genes are strong, huh? Not even the genes of the Negroid can hide them!


You can go read the article. I’m not going to quote from it. The headline pretty much says it all.

The nig-kike’s entire premise – a meme which has been spread by other Jews and blacks, including the nasty old black bitch Oprah – is that with each generation, people are becoming less and less racist, and that as time progresses, racism will head down towards zero.

Hilariously, this is the opposite of what we are seeing happen.

In fact, it is anti-racism that is on the decline, and we will see a huge drop-off of anti-racism when these self-absorbed, feel-goody, reality-denying boom-cucks die out.

The younger generation is on the up and up.

Racism is rising.

We are reverting to our natural state as white men.

Bitch-slapping, nigger-hating conquerors.

We are going to bring down the Jew-feminist system and reconquer the planet.