NRA Files Suit Against Floridian Gun-Grabbing Maniacs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 10, 2018

The kikes are up to their old tricks again and the NRA is stepping in to defend the white race.

Fox News:

The National Rifle Association reacted Friday with a federal lawsuit after Florida lawmakers approved gun legislation that would raise the age to buy guns. The group’s argument: that the proposed law violates the Second Amendment.

News of the lawsuit came just hours after Florida Gov. Rick Scott publicly went against allies in the NRA in signing a gun control bill that was drafted in response to the fatal school shooting in Parkland, Fla., on Feb. 14. Seventeen people were killed in that gun attack, attributed to a 19-year-old named Nokolas Cruz.

Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Acton, has matainted that the bill “punished punishes law-abiding gun owners for the criminal acts of a deranged individual.”

The lawsuit is asking a federal judge to block the new age restriction from taking effect.

The bill signed by Governor Scott raises the minimum age to buy rifles from 18 to 21, extends a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases to include long guns and bans bump stocks, attachments that enable semiautomatic rifles to approximate the firing speed of fully automatic ones.

The entire concept of “oh an emotional thing happened and we feel emotional so let’s change laws” is feminine, childlike and nuts.

What sort of a thing even is this?

What do you call a country where law is dictated by emotions?

A Feelsocracy?

You aren’t going to prevent what happened in Florida from happening again with these restrictions, and the people lobbying for these restrictions know that. As long as people have access to guns at all, someone can get a gun and go shoot up a school or a country music concert or whatever, so the only theoretical way of stopping that from happening would be to take everyone’s guns away completely.

And that is of course the long-term goal of the Jews. And it is not because they care if one of their kinsman like Niko Cruz shoots up a school. It is because once a population is disarmed, the government can do anything to them.

We wouldn’t still have a First Amendment if we didn’t have a Second.