NRA Says They Talked to Trump, He is Good on Guns

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 2, 2018

You always have to just pay attention to what Trump does and not what he says. Especially when he is trolling Democrats. Pay it no mind.

He has an interest in appearing to be reasonable, so he did this thing with the Democrats where he was like, “oh interesting ideas hm okay.”

But he’s not going to cuck on what is basically the single unifying issue in this divided country.

Fox News:

Just one day after putting the NRA on the defensive with stunning televised comments, President Trump has signaled in an Oval Office meeting that he doesn’t want gun control, according to the NRA’s top lobbyist.

Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, tweeted late Thursday that “POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control.”

About an hour later, Trump appeared to endorse Cox’s version of events with a tweet of his own: “Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!”

On Wednesday, Trump shocked observers during a televised discussion with bipartisan lawmakers by appearing to endorse extreme gun control measures.

“Take the guns first. Go through due process second,” Trump said. “I like taking the guns early.” 

I have no idea how anyone interpreted those statements as something other than a troll.

Come on now.

This whole gun control thing in the wake of the Florida shooting has already collapsed. They put it on these disgusting kids and people were just like “wow, I hate these brats.”

NRA membership skyrocketed and people were out buying mass amounts of firearms.

Half of the white population was accusing them of being part of some kind of CIA black operation. The Jews have now totally flipped their shit and basically apologized for trying to make them a thing.

Even the WaPo printed a piece doing damage control on the fact that their own readers hate these kids.


I have never seen a backlash like this.

The Jews have ended up censoring the crisis actor stuff. And though I’m open to the idea that certain elements of the way the shooting happened are suspicious, I don’t really think this was a gigantic kike psyop.

The SPLC tried to say I was promoting a theory – they always try to tie everything to me – but all I said was that David Hogg was clearly being groomed in some capacity for these television appearances.

It is genuinely encouraging on some level that we are at a point in this country when they can roll out school shooting survivors and people are just like “yo fuck these kids trying to tell me what to do, this is a hoax!”

I listened to The Daily Shoah the other day on this topic, and Mike was saying that this is a sign of how divided the country is. And yeah I think that is part of it, but a bigger thing being indicated here is just how much the people now feel as though they are being bullied by the media, and how little they trust it.

That said, the two kids they picked to do this bit were uniquely repulsive, and I don’t know how it would have went if they had chosen a couple of kids who were less so.

But wow. People hate them.