Number of Moslems in America Up 1,000,000 Since 2000

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2015

Is this what you wanted?
Is this what you wanted?

The American Moslem population is 2.7 million.  It was 1.7 million in 2000.

Is there a single person who likes Moslems, other than other Moslems?  Even most liberals and feminists are against them over here on our side of the pond.

Do we need more of this face?  Who likes this face?
Do we need more of this face? Who likes this face?


Why on earth are these people being let in?  What purpose can it possibly serve?  They have low IQs, and unlike the Mexicans they don’t even work.  Also unlike the Mexicans, they aggressively demand that all sorts of changes be made to please them.

CNS News:

While America has not approached the dangerous levels of Islamic immigration that France has incurred in recent years, our increase in Muslim immigration coupled with lax visa tracking has exposed us to a huge security risk.  As National Review noted in a riveting piece on the growth of domestic Islamic terror threats, “as the Muslim population in the country has expanded, so has the incidence of radicalism.”

While it’s hard to ascertain the exact level of Muslim immigration, it’s very clear the level of immigration is rapidly increasing.  According to numbers crunched by the Center for Immigration Studies based on data from the Census Bureau’s Factfinder database, the immigrant population from predominantly Muslim countries has grown from 1.7 million in 2000 to 2.7 million in 2013.

The sharpest increases from the Muslim world are from volatile countries such as Iraq, Iran, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.   This tracks closely with Pew’s estimates of 100,000 new Muslim immigrants per year, almost twice the level of the previous decade.  It is also 10% of our annual immigrant population.  If this trajectory continues, we will eventually reach the level of saturation France is currently experiencing with Muslim immigrants – roughly 10% of their population.

Indeed, Arabic is the fastest growing language on U.S. college campuses and among the immigrant population in general.

This is an issue we would do well to press.  It is so much easier than talking about Mexican immigration, because people see the Mexicans and they’re like “well, I don’t like being overrun by foreign hordes, but these monkey seem okay,” whereas when you see these aggressive, deranged Moslems coming at you you feel severely threatened.

When people talk about burritos, tacos and fiestas as enrichment, the people are like "meh, I can sort of see it..." but mass killings over cartoons and these smelly beardos and ghost women coming at you at Wal-Mart?
When people talk about burritos, tacos and fiestas as enrichment, the people are like “meh, I can sort of see it…” but mass killings over cartoons and these smelly beardos and ghost women coming at you at Wal-Mart?

Especially following Paris, we should be drawing attention to the fact that even at this rate, given the fertility of these people, we are going to have a serious Islam issue in the not-too-distant future.

Moslems force their culture as part of their religion.  Mexicans only force everything to become a low-IQ fiesta.
Moslems force their culture as part of their religion. Mexicans only force everything to become a low-IQ fiesta.

It is only a matter of time before these smelly Pakis start marrying the fat burrito women and converting Mexicanism to Moslemism.

Then what?