Nutrient Shortages Hurting Infants in Washington

August 1, 2013


It sounds like a Third World problem: Hospitals are rationing, bartering and hoarding critical nutrients that premature infants need to survive. But it’s a problem that’s happening in the Washington area and in other major cities across the country.

In her article, “Children Are Dying,” published in the May issue of Washingtonian Magazine, reporter Alexandra Robbins reports the nutrient shortage has been going on for about three years now.

“This is a national emergency, this is a public health crisis and the government isn’t doing anything about it,” Robbins says.

She tells WTOP that nutrient shortages come and go by the week, and the most commonly-depleted drugs include calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium.

The shortages pose the highest threat for premature babies in neonatal intensive care units because these patients are born without nutrient reserves.

“There was a baby whose heart stopped because of lack of phosphorus,” Robbins says. “Across the Washington area, I’ve heard of plenty of babies with calcium deficiencies who are experiencing poor bone growth and developmental problems because of this lack of nutrients.”

According to Robbins, hospitals are keeping this problem quiet and are not telling patients, or parents of patients, because they do not want to cause a panic.

Her research states that there is a record high shortage among 300 different drug, vitamin and trace-elements in the U.S.

Yet amidst the shortage of vitamins that premature babies are struggling to receive, some are managing to get ahold of the highly-pursued nutrients, Robbins says. Only, these people are using the drugs recreationally, to cure hangovers and keep a youthful look.

“You’ll hear about this trend called the vitamin drip, where celebrities, models, musicians and athletes are getting IV nutrition delivered intravenously because it’s supposed to reenergize them, it’s supposed to beautify them,” says Robbins, who traced where the nutrients are coming from and found that in some cases, they are coming from the same limited pool used to supply hospitals.

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