NYC: Blacks Find Actual Unarmed Teen, Rob Him

Daily Stormer
January 10, 2016


Usually when they say “unarmed teen” in the media, they mean a 20-somthing Black man carrying one or more deadly weapons.

Not so in this particular case. This teen literally had no arms.


Police are looking for two young men and a young woman caught on surveillance video who they said targeted a teen with no arms and robbed him a week before Thanksgiving.

The incident happened at 8:30 p.m., on Nov. 20 at a shopping center on Forest Avenue in the Port Richmond section of Staten Island.

The 18-year-old disabled victim had laid his cell phone down on a ledge in front of Dunkin Donuts. When two of the suspects approached him asking for money, the third grabbed his phone and took off.

But… why would someone with no arms have a cellphone…?

As the victim tried to chase after the cell phone snatcher, the other suspects got a hold of him and rummaged through his pockets for money, but left empty handed, according to police.

Mike Magliulo, co-owner of Big Time Produce, was closing up and saw the teen victim walking by, not realizing he had just been robbed.

“He was walking past very quietly and even after what happened to him, he didn’t seem down and out. He was just walking past. I guess he just overcomes a lot of challenges in his life and this is just another one,” said Magliulo. “I’ve seen him in the store. He comes in with his family.”

The produce store turned over its surveillance video to investigators.

“It’s terrible what they did. It’s not like even kids picking on other kids. It’s picking on a disabled kid with no arms, and they take his phone. That’s pretty rotten, “ said Mike Schroeder who works at the produce store.

“That’s despicable,” said shopper Monique Moncion. “This is just a sign of the times with the children that are growing up right now with the lack of morals. It’s heartbreaking.”

What do people think when they see a new story about Blacks robbing a kid with no arms?