NYC: Filthy Haji Gets Ass Beat Bad for Harassing White GF

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 8, 2016

woot woot woot


The guy has since turned himself in

NY Daily News:

A 31-year-old man was arrested Wednesday for beating two Muslim teens outside a Brooklyn mosque, officials said.

Christopher Vallaro was hit with assault charges after he surrendered to cops for the 1 a.m. attack Sunday outside the Madine Muslim Community Center on Third Ave. near 53rd St. in Sunset Park. His arraignment was pending.

The two 16-year-old boys tried to talk to Vallaro’s girlfriend — attempting to open the woman’s door and poke their heads into her window — for a half hour before the suspect emerged and jumped them, calling one of the victims a “f—ing terrorist.”

“You Muslims are the cause of all the problems in the world!” the man screamed.The attack wasn’t labeled a hate crime because it was sparked by the teens’ ogling the suspect’s girlfriend, not their religion, cops said.