NYC: Jew Claims Rabbis Attacked His Business Because His Wife Wasn’t Racially Jewish

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2018

A man claims he was driven out of business after religious leaders questioned his wife’s racial purity.

This isn’t a Hollywood recreation of the Jim Crow South, it’s the Jewy pocket in the Bronx!

Organized Jewry claims we are “bigots,” but in their communities, Jews sperg out at the very thought of a non-Jew touching their food.

The kosher restaurant says he lost “religious” certification after local Rabbis started the rumor that he practiced miscegenation – considered a crime in Jewish texts.

New York Post:

A Riverdale restaurateur claims he’s being forced out of the community’s kosher food scene by local rabbis — because his wife isn’t Jewish.

Dimitry Berezovskiy alleges landlord Moses Marx and Riverdale’s rabbinical council spread false rumors that he’d lost his kosher certification in a bid to “bankrupt” him, according to a Bronx Supreme Court lawsuit he filed against them last week.

Marx and the Vaad Ha’Rabbonim of Riverdale allegedly wanted Berezovskiy’s Riverdale K Grill House out of the Riverdale Avenue space “at about the same time [they] learned that Mr. Berezovskiy’s wife was not Jewish,” Berezovskiy claims in court papers.

When (((fellow whites))) engage in anti-white demagoguery, always ask, why don’t you clean up your own backyard first?

White people in the United States – for better or for worse – are the least “racist” and “xenophobic” people on earth.

That is why we don’t have hate speech laws yet. As the winds start to change and people get fed up, this is already changing and the Jewish led censorship movement is gaining ground.

Ultimately, when juxtaposed with the Jewish community, it’s not even in the same category.

The mere rumor of having a Gentile wife can get you chased out of the Jewish in-group. You lose access to lucrative rackets like the Kosher food scam.