NYC: Mosque-Puncher Walks into Mosque, Says He’s Mohammad, Then Starts with the Punching

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2016

I am of course totally against going into mosques and randomly punching people.

But what does the government expect to happen when they are flooding us with these people who want to murder us all?

For those who can’t see the video, mosque-puncher is a Negro. They especially hate the hajis, because they have to live right next to them. Plus Blacks just have more natural tribal hatred.

PIX 11:

The intrusion came in the middle of Tuesday’s afternoon prayers and without warning a man who just walked into the Jamaica Muslim Center.

After claiming that he was the Prophet Muhammad, he began randomly punching people who were on their knees in mid prayer Tuesday including a 69-year-old man and Akim Islam.

“He came behind us, and he hit one of our elders,” Islam said. “When he hit someone, we have no choice. We have to stop him. He hit me. One is very bad injured. He’s at the hospital.”

In the days since the attack, members of this Mosque have been fuming over the fact the suspect – identified as 26-year-old Michael Voyard, only faced a misdemeanor assault charge.

But now, that could change and Voyard could ultimately face more serious charges.

On Friday , three days after the attack, the NYPD confirmed its Hate Crimes Task force is now investigating.

For the president of the Mosque, that’s welcomed news.

“We are very peaceful community, we always come here without fear, and we never expect it,” mosque president Dr. Mohammad Rahman. “And we think this is a hate crime, to hurt Muslims.”

No one expects a muffugguh to run up on em til they get run up on.

Law of the jungle, baby.

You know where you won’t get run-up on?

Wherever the hell you’re from.

Actually, you probably will get run up on there as well. Perhaps it’s like 1000 times more likely. But then, instead of it being my problem and your problem, it will only be your problem.