NYC: Negroid “Doctor” Shoots-Up the Hospital

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 30, 2017

Here’s a math problem for you:

A nigger + an affirmative action doctorate = ?

The answer, of course is:

A nigger in a lab coat

The entire concept that you are going to make black people behave like human beings by giving them awards for trying is insane.

I’m really surprised to see the New York Times saying that the shooter is a black man. They must be realizing that the fake news angle is – oh wait.


They don’t mention his color.

Or show a picture of him.

They instead describe him as: “a tall, thin man wearing a blue shirt and white lab coat.” They cite the police on that, but the police in this country do include race in a description of a suspect, even in New York City – so they purposefully removed the race from the police statement.

Guess they’re going to fight against goyim-knowing to their dying breathe.

New York Times:

At least three doctors were shot inside Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center in the Mount Hope neighborhood of the Bronx on Friday afternoon, according to a Fire Department official.

Shortly before 4 p.m., J. Peter Donald, the chief spokesman for the New York City Police Department, said that the gunman was dead. He was identified by the police as Henry Bello. On the hospital’s website a Henry Bello is listed as a doctor employed in family medicine.

The condition of the doctors was not known, according to the Fire Department official. The police had not yet secured the area, preventing emergency medical workers from entering the hospital at 1650 Grand Concourse. It was unclear if there were more victims.

In a radio transmission, police had described the gunman as a tall, thin man wearing a blue shirt and white lab coat. A police official said he had a long gun.

Preliminary reports indicate that 5 to 6 people are wounded, though their conditions were not immediately known, according to another police official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing event.

“It looks like an employee of the hospital, that’s what we’re hearing, unconfirmed, right now,” the official said.

As the situation continued to unfold, at least one doctor was being treated by people inside the hospital who had tied an emergency fire hose as a tourniquet, the fire department official said.

lol, I guess that’s the upside – you get shot in a hospital and you don’t have to be taken anywhere in an ambulance.

This entire affirmative action concept is not discussed anywhere at all in any media, and yet it is bringing down all of our systems. Universities are literally banned from failing any nonwhite, other than Asians. Any black man can just sign up for medical school, do nothing for 8 years, and be given a degree.

No doubt that is an emotionally difficult situation for these blacks – being put in a situation where they are expected to perform beyond what they are biologically capable of. Like chickens trying to fly.

So it isn’t surprising to see one killing people with a gun.

Though mostly they just kill people through incompetence. Medicine is often a life or death situation.

But don’t request a white doctor though.

That’s against the rules.