Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2016

“Civil rights” legislation destroyed the basic natural right of freedom of association, replacing it with forced association with Blacks and other undesirables (now GRIDS-ridden homos, trannies, etc.)
Now, we have multimillionaire Negroid celebrities getting the clamp put on working class men.
This was some type of Haji who got fined, but still the point remains.
A New York City taxi driver who black NBC Today show weatherman Al Roker said passed him by in favor of picking up another fare for racial reasons has pleaded guilty to a service refusal violation and has been fined.
The Taxi and Limousine Commission says driver Mahabur Rahman made his plea last month and was fined $500.
Roker had filed a complaint in November and wrote on social media he and his son had been ignored for racial reasons. He said the driver picked up a white man a block away.
The commission says it was the driver’s second refusal violation.
The driver hung up a phone Monday when called for comment.
The weatherman was taking his 13-year-old son Nicholas to a doctor’s appointment in New York when he said a yellow cab driver snubbed him because of the color of his skin.
Roker, 61, branded the driver ‘ignorant’ and ‘racist’, filing an official complaint after the incident.
Maybe he just didn’t want to get robbed though?
But not wanting to get robbed is true racism. It’s almost as bad as avoiding Moslem gang-rape.
The fuming weatherman took to Twitter, saying the cab driver saw him, drove straight past him and picked up a white man a block away.
He wrote: ‘This happens to folks of color every day. And while most cabbies do their job, there are those ignorant, racist ones who hurt the others.
‘What really hurts, my 13 yr. old boy was with me and asked why the cabbie passed us. I said, ‘Nick, ignorant people make dumb choices.’
Pattern recognition is a basic function of the brains of all mammals.
And we definitely have a pattern here, Al.
Pretending like people avoid Blacks for some vague or nonsense reason just makes you look stupider.