NYT Confirms Luke O’Brien Dox Destroyed Kike Grocer’s Business

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2018

Luke “Israel Gets Nuked” O’Brien is a man on a mission: to dox random kikes, destroy their businesses, and try to incite Islamic terrorism against them.

And he’s been extremely successful in his endeavor.

After stalking and doxing the kike MAGA infiltrator @AmyMek AKA Amy Mekelburg and her sickening Jew family, her Jew lawyer husband immediately lost his job as a senior vice-president at WWE.

Apparently, WWE simply could not be associated with a greasy kike who supports the evil state of Zionist Israel – or the husband of one such kike.

Remarkably, the O’Brien dox also managed to destroy the business of a kike relative. This business was totally unrelated, but O’Brien included it in the dox simply to destroy the lives of random Jews.

New York Times:

The night that ended far differently started out normal. It was Thursday at Mekelburg’s, a busy Brooklyn grocery with a cafe and bar in the back and picnic tables on the patio, with locals tucking into sandwiches and sipping craft beers.

Everything changed at 7 p.m., when someone noticed a news story online. Word spread through the place like a rotten odor. Customers scanned their phones, looked up and signaled for the check.

“By 8:15, we were completely empty,” said Alicia Guevara, who owns Mekelburg’s with her husband, Daniel Mekelburg.

Slowly, she pieced together what had happened.

HuffPost had just published a profile of a prolific Twitter firebrand from New York, a woman who frequently attacks Islam — one post warned that “500K Muslims will Invade Europe this Summer” — under the user name @AmyMek.

The story revealed her full name, Amy Mekelburg, offered details about her family and mentioned a brother who “runs a popular restaurant and craft beer bar in Brooklyn that also bears the family name.”

How he got the Huffington Post to allow him to target these random Jew relatives, I have no idea.

But it was brilliant.

Mr. O’Brien, a HuffPost senior reporter who covers political extremism and propaganda, is familiar with doxxing tactics and vitriolic responses. But newcomers to the world, like Ms. Guevara and her husband, were unaccustomed and ill-prepared to deal with the fallout.

It came from both the political left and the right, playing out online on Twitter, on Facebook and, where they could hurt the restaurant worst, in bogus one-star reviews on Yelp.

On the ground that night, the story’s repercussions could be seen in real time with the stampede for the door, Ms. Guevara said. “No one really asking for information,” she said on Monday. “Just accusing us.” Someone asked her, “How much of my money has gone to your sister’s cause?” she said.

Implicating random relatives as O’Brien did in order to destroy their lives is something awe-inspiring.

He used the bullshit excuse to dox the kike infiltrator Amy Mekelstein by saying he was defending Islamic jihad. He used a fake “confidential source” to claim that WWE was aware of the Twitter account, thus implicate them, and get the husband fired – clever.

But randomly destroying the lives of estranged relatives?

That is pure art.

She had no idea the story was in the works, she said. She and her husband have little contact with Ms. Mekelburg, seeing one another a few times a year at family gatherings in New Jersey and even then keeping their distance, she said. Ms. Guevara said she was unaware of the @AmyMek account until the story broke.

Alone in Brooklyn while her husband was traveling overseas, she hastily published a statement on social media the following day.

“Amy has never been linked to or involved with our business in any capacity whatsoever,” the statement read. “This revelation of her Twitter account has, frankly, thrown our family into chaos. We are disturbed, revolted and humiliated.”

The couple was planning on expanding to a second location in Brooklyn, but now she was consumed with one thought: “We’re over,” she said three days later. “This is over.”

It’s over for these kikes, like it’s over for Mekelstein’s kike husband.

And it’s going to be over for a lot more Jews.

Luke O’Brien is an old-fashioned shoe-leather stalk-n-dox journalist of the highest caliber.

Huffington Post Editor Doing CYA

A Huffington Post editor, Nick Baumann, doing damage control claimed that I was “trolling” when I offered support for O’Brien.

He suggested I must hate O’Brien because he stalked and harassed my family (which is… kind of a weird implication), so can’t really be supporting him.

Huffington Post:

Andrew Anglin, an American neo-Nazi O’Brien profiled in The Atlantic, even trollishly attempted to brand O’Brien as a Nazi ally (no, we’re not going to link to his site), encouraging his followers to support the reporter who had tracked him for months

I am not “attempting” to do anything.

I have simply stated the fact that I adamantly support doxing Jews and ruining their lives and the lives of their family members. This isn’t some ironic joke.

Yes, Luke O’Brien has stalked me for years and even wrote about staring at my mother through her window.

Luke O’Brien has made a career of stalking and harassing people’s families in order to try to ruin their lives. And I am being absolutely sincere when I say that seeing him do this to Jews brings me the greatest joy.

The “He Didn’t Know” Theory

There is a theory going around that Luke O’Brien didn’t know that he was not supposed to dox and destroy the lives of Jews, and he is genuinely surprised that this has resulted in a backlash against him.

This theory is retarded.

There is simply no way that anyone working in journalism for the Jews would think it was somehow going to go over well to dox a rich Zionist Jew and her entire family and destroy their lives.

I don’t know that he did this because he became woke on the JQ by reading the Daily Stormer, or if he genuinely supports Islamic terrorism as he claimed in his HuffPo article. Maybe he has some other reason.

Maybe he is just a true psychopath who gets enjoyment from stalking and harassing people, trying to destroy people’s lives.

His physiognomy implies that’s a strong possibility, I must admit.

If somebody looking like that sat down next to me at a bar, I would get up and move. For sure.

But whatever his motives, it doesn’t really matter to me.

He deserves credit for actively running seek and destroy operations against Jews.

And the offer remains open to come work for the Daily Stormer to stalk and dox Jews full-time. O’Brien is obviously a very talented stalker/harasser/doxer, but struggles with the writing, and I’m willing to give him a position here where he isn’t required to do the writing and can focus on his personal strengths.