NYT Says Biden Might Drop Out

I should probably be writing more about the debate and the fallout. People want to read that shit. I just don’t care.

I wrote that long thing, and don’t really have anything else to say.

But I will. Tomorrow. Probably.

I’m not writing much of anything today, because I am working on a broken computer and setting up my new computer.

(Plz send money.)

Anyway. “The New York Times says” can basically be read as “the US State Department demands.”


US President Joe Biden is seriously considering whether he can recover from his “disastrous” debate performance, the New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing a “key ally” who wished to remain anonymous.

Biden struggled through last week’s exchange with challenger Donald Trump, hosted by CNN.  The Times described his performance as “devastating,” even though Biden’s campaign had arranged the circumstances to be maximally favorable.

“He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place” by the end of the Independence Day weekend, the unnamed ally told the newspaper.

While the unnamed source insisted that Biden is “still deeply in the fight for re-election,” the 81-year-old is reportedly aware that the next several days must go well if he wishes to “salvage” his candidacy.

Biden is scheduled to record an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos – a Clinton White House veteran – on Friday and take part in campaign events in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. A meeting with Democratic governors is also on the schedule for Wednesday evening.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates told the NYT that the anonymous ally’s claim was “absolutely false” and that he had not been given enough time to respond.

According to the Times, Biden has told at least one person that he is open to the possibility that the plan to move on from the debate and shift the narrative to Trump “may not work.”

The White House and the campaign have offered a range of excuses for what happened at the debate. Meanwhile, a CBS News poll on Wednesday showed Trump two points ahead of Biden nationally and three points in battleground states.

He’s going to drop out.

I can tell that from the media barrage.

You can tell a lot from reading the narrative of the media, because the media is controlled by the state.

Remember when I told you, my dear parasocial friends, that the “lockdown” was going to last a lot longer than 2 weeks? Then people called me conspiracy theorists? Then it lasted two years?

Biden won’t be the candidate.

Oh, and Republicans are going to celebrate it like it is some kind of huge victory.

Watch for that.