Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2016

The Jew meme is that everything about Donald Trump is racist. His entire platform and persona are defined by hate of the color of the skin. So if anyone anywhere supports him, it is because of hatred. There is no other potential reason for supporting him.
New York real-estate developer Donald Trump has dominated the Republican nomination campaign for months — but his strongest support doesn’t come from any of the organized blocs in the Republican party.
He polls well among conservative and evangelical voters, to be sure, running competitively against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)with these voters. He draws considerable support, also, from self-identified “liberal”or “moderate” Republicans. In fact, in the latest Quinnipiac poll, his biggest polling margin against his GOP rivals was among moderate and liberal Republicans.
But his strongest support comes from Republicans who used to be Democrats, according to new polling analysis by Democrat data firm Civis Analytics.
And those party-switching Americans — if they register and turn up at the 2016 polls, especially in swing-state mid-western states — could transform American politics in 2016. That’s because the GOP candidate needs to sweep the mid-western states — plus win Florida — to reach the critical total of 270 electoral votes.
The new Civis Analytics survey shows that Trump wins 40 percent support from these party-switching voters. These once-registered Democrats — likely because of family or local history — now make up 10 percent of Republican primary voters, but are a larger factor in the states throughout the industrial Midwest and South.
The New York Times first reported on the Civis analysis and, of course, tried to imply a racial component to Trump’s appeal to disaffected Democrats. The Times, and the Democrat data firm made much of an apparent correlation between where Trump polls best and the popularity of Google searches that are deemed “racially charged.”
Setting aside the obvious limits of drawing too many conclusions from correlations, this analysis is obvious crap. The information on Trump polling is obviously drawn from present day surveys. The data on Google searches, however, is drawn from 2004-2007. The most recent information on Google searches, then, is over 8 years ago.
Obviously, another key shortcoming of the “analysis” is that one never learns what exactly, or even generally, “racially charged” searches even are. Is a search for the full name of rap bad NWA racially charged, for example? The media likes to perpetuate the myth that opposition to President Obama is evidence of latent racism, just as opposition to Hillary Clinton is about to unearth latent sexism in the US. The survey of “racially charged” Google searches, however, predates President Obama’s leading role on the national political stage.
The New York Times has become a satire of itself, just like all of the rest of these liberal papers. Just as we in the far right have pushed the right many of the more moderate right-wing outlets, the likes of Slate, Salon and the Daily Beast have forced papers that were once slightly more reasonable to go full-SJW.
It is totally bizarre and completely unprofessional for a newspaper to say “democrats are supporting Trump – it must be because of racism, let’s find data to twist to support this assertion.” And this is exactly what the NYT just did, openly.
Actual reasons why democrats would switch to The Donald include, but are not limited to:
- His pledge to negotiate trade deals which are fairer to the American working class
- The fact that the Democratic Party is as aggressive in its warmongering as the GOP, and the Donald is the anti-war candidate.
I’m sure anyone could come up with an extended list of things about Trump which appeal to Democrats, none of which would have to do with “racism,” or even his immigration policy. Though the aspect of his immigration policy that appeals to everyone is his kebab removal plan, as that is a primal self-preservation issue which goes beyond political orientation.