NYT Says Mexico had Already Agreed to Deal Before Tariff Threats

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2019

Anything reported in The New York Times should generally be assumed to be fake news.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if this was true.


Mexico had already promised to take many of the actions agreed to in Friday’s immigration deal with the US — months before President Donald Trump’s tariff threat, officials from both countries who are familiar with the negotiations told the New York Times in a story published Saturday.

Trump moved to accept the existing agreements in a deal Friday after negotiations prompted by his threat to impose growing tariffs on Mexico in response to the border situation dragged on over several days. Talks between Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard and State Department officials lasted for more than 11 hours Friday.

The Mexican government had pledged to deploy the National Guard nationwide with a focus on its southern border — a key part of Friday’s agreement — during secret meetings in March between former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Mexican interior secretary Olga Sanchez in Miami, the officials told the Times.

The deal’s key expansion of a program that would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their claims are processed was established in two heavily brokered two diplomatic notes exchanged between the two countries, the Times reported. Nielsen announced the Migrant Protection Protocols during a House Judiciary Committee hearing in late December.

One senior government official insisted to the Times that the Mexican government agreed to move to deter migrants faster and more aggressively than they ever had before this week’s talks.

Trump was never actually going to do the tariffs.

That was obvious.

He is obsessed with the economy, obsessed with pleasing big business. So making the threat when he already had a deal makes sense for him. And it makes sense for Mexico too. Their president can tell their people they didn’t have a choice, while Trump claims a big win.

The deal is not really that good. At all.

They’re allegedly going to take back people and let them wait there for their asylum claims to be processed, but they get to enter America first.

And there is no way to force Mexico to enforce their southern border.

And the idea that we can’t enforce our own border so we have to convince Mexico to enforce theirs is just pathetic and shameful.

I don’t think immigration is going to stop. It should probably slow a little, but it is already so high that a little slowdown means nothing.

When Trump was running for office, he said he was going to deport all illegal immigrants. Instead, we’ve gotten more illegal immigrants than ever in history. So I’m sorry, but “I did a thing where maybe there won’t be quite so many pouring in” doesn’t really have me all that excited.

That’s why he’s playing up the farm deal, which no one gives a shit about. Because the border deal is weak as hell, nigga.