Florida Shooter Nikolas Cruz is a Biological Jew! WHOOPS!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 17, 2018

So the media was hoaxed hard on the Republic of Florida thing.

They are now scrambling to figure out a way to support the idea that he was racist or at least right-wing.

And apparently, they’ve found some crap.

Although it is basically just the same casual racism that is a fundamental part of all Generation Z internet culture, it is something for them to promote as proofs to older people who don’t understand just how cynical about the politically correct narrative young people are these days (they don’t understand because the media refuses to talk about it).


In a private Instagram group chat, confessed school shooter Nikolas Cruz repeatedly espoused racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views and displayed an obsession with violence and guns.

Wednesday, 19-year-old Cruz opened fire at the school that expelled him, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Authorities say he killed 17 with his legally purchased AR-15.

CNN, investigating comments the shooter may have left on a now-deleted YouTube channel, was added to the private Instagram group by one of the active members in it. The responding group members, who appear to be younger than 18, have refused to confirm their identities to CNN on or off the record.

Yeah I wonder why.

It’s not like CNN has a history of threatening to dox people if they don’t bow to their will.

When asked for comment or whether they knew about the private chat group, the FBI directed CNN to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office.

Most of the conversation in the group since Cruz joined around August 2017 is between six people — including Cruz.

Racism was a constant theme in the chat group, which was called “Murica (American flag emoji) (eagle emoji) great” — a name it was given by Cruz.

The hatred he and others in the group espoused met little resistance from its active members. In one part of the group chat, Cruz wrote that he hated, “jews, ni**ers, immigrants.”

He talked about killing Mexicans, keeping black people in chains and cutting their necks. The statements were not made in jest.

How would you know if they were in jest? What sort of reporting is it when you feel comfortable claiming to have mind-reading abilities?

There are hundreds of racist messages, racist memes and racist Instagram videos posted in the group.

One member even joked about Cruz’s particular venomousness, saying that although he hated black people, too, he didn’t “to a point I wanna kill the (sic) like nick.”

Cruz said he hated black people simply because they were black; Cruz hated Jews because he believed they wanted to destroy the world.

After one member expressed hatred for gay people, Cruz agreed, saying, “Shoot them in the back of head.”

White women drew Cruz’s hatred as well, specifically those in interracial relationships, whom he referred to repeatedly as traitors.

There are no indications in the group chat that any member, including Cruz, is or was part of a white nationalist or white supremacist group.

Yeah and all of this is – again – just basic banter that is standard among anyone under 22 on the internet these days.

The media KNOWS THAT, but they don’t report on it because they are trying to figure out some way to reverse it and feel that covering it would give it more power.

But I promise you, high schoolers do not give a shit about nigger and kike jokes. None of them do. Even if they are not themselves racist, they are in a culture that is so aggressively cynical that they do not find it weird if classmates are talking about wanting to slaughter mudsharks.

This is what the Alt-Right meme culture has done. We have penetrated the minds of the youth and liberated them from the mind-prison of the Jew.

But here’s the part in the CNN report that isn’t usual.

The bio on one of his Instagram accounts read, “annihilator.”

At one point in the chat, he wrote, “I think I am going to kill people.” After a member told him not to say things like that, he said he was just playing.

During one of the anti-Semitic rants in the chat, Cruz spoke of his birth mother, saying, “My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her.”

Roger and Lynda Cruz adopted Cruz when he was a child. Roger died in 2004, and Lynda died last fall after an illness.


There it is, BRO!

It is a biological kike!





Also, just a post-script here, with regards to the FBI not stopping this from happening, the CNN article says:

Jim Gard, his former math teacher, told CNN’s Brian Todd that although he never had problems with Cruz, he did receive an email from a school administrator around November 2016 asking to be notified if Cruz came on campus with a backpack.

So this guy was known to be unhinged and deranged and a potentially violent threat for a year and a half.

He was known to the FBI and just last month they were given a tip about him planning violence.

New York Times:

The F.B.I. received a tip last month from someone close to Nikolas Cruz that he owned a gun and had talked of committing a school shooting, the bureau revealed Friday, but it acknowledged that it had failed to investigate.

The tipster, who called an F.B.I. hotline on Jan. 5, told the bureau that Mr. Cruz had a “desire to kill people, erratic behavior and disturbing social media posts,” the F.B.I. said.

The information should have been assessed and forwarded to the Miami F.B.I. field office, the bureau said. But that never happened.


Because they were too busy chasing Russian ghosts and harassing people in the Alt-Right.

No time to prevent a mass murder.

All of Comey’s people need to be purged from the organization and replaced with people who are not obsessed with destroying America.


The fact that Cruz is a kike doesn’t negate the issue of SSRIs. Kikes are evil, but most of them do not shoot-up schools, and the fact that he was treated for depression does indicate he was on SSRI drugs.

That should be investigated.

But yeah, now the important thing for our narrative is that he was a RAT JEW who they are trying to claim is a Nazi.