Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2013

Speaking just two blocks from the Navy Yard where the most recent black gun massacre took place, Obama said that America will only be able to stop this violence when they decide “they’ve had enough.” I couldn’t agree more – though I don’t believe the answer is to allow the Jews to strip us of our right to defend ourselves.
Black crime is not going to stop. It will keep getting more and more intense, as long as they are living among us. We need a popular movement which addresses this issue directly, or we are just going to continue being slaughtered.
The other place where we need to say enough is enough, in relation to gun violence, is in the department of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs. Every non-black mass shooter has been on these experimental Jewish pills, as are a huge percentage of those who commit suicide or other murders in this country, and yet we simply tolerate them being fed to us like candy, as the only possible means of dealing with the discontents of our present social order.
I have had enough of the violence. I have had enough of the blacks, the Jews and the whole sickening system.
In the last months, we have stopped Obama from taking our guns, we have stopped him from invading Syria, we have continued to hold off an invasion of Iran. The mainstream media has been forced to come out and address the issue of black crime, as well as the Jewish involvement in these endless wars. Maybe we are reaching the point where the whole of America is going to decide they have indeed had enough.