Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2015

Why does Obama keep doing this? Why does no one call him out?
He is such a scumbag, even by Black standards.
It would be just as easy for him to come out and say “we’ve got a lot of problems in the Black community, with drugs and violence, and you shouldn’t run from the cops.”
Instead he endorses these insane conspiracy theories.
President Obama has said he was “deeply disturbed by the footage of the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald” in a Facebook message in which he also thanked the people of Chicago for their peaceful protests.
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has also plunged into the heated debate following the release of a video showing the black teenager being shot multiple times by a Chicago police officer, saying: “We cannot go on like this.”
She also put the death in a national context, lamenting “the loss of so many young African Americans taken too soon” in a statement released on Twitter as Chicago continued to simmer in the wake of protests on the night the video was made public.
“The family of Laquan McDonald and the people of Chicago deserve justice and accountability,” Clinton said.
She added that the country needed to grapple with broader questions.
“The mothers I met recently in Chicago are right: we cannot go on like this. All over America, there are police officers honorably doing their duty, demonstrating how to protect the public without resorting to unnecessary force. We need to learn from and build on those examples,” she said.
Obama reiterated this, asking Americans to “be thankful for the overwhelming majority of men and women in uniform who protect our communities with honor”.
He added: “I’m personally grateful to the people of my hometown for keeping protests peaceful.”
It’s not your “hometown,” you rat fink. You’re from Kenya and grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia because your whore mother married a Moslem gook after your Moslem ape father abandoned her.
Related: Chicago: Another White Animal Control Officer Charged with Murder for Doing His Job
We have pictures, buddy – you can’t lie.
And even these people hate you.
People in Africa hate you because you tried to force them to have anal sex with men.
They also hate you because you shill for the Jews.
They probably hate you for other reasons as well.
The whole world hates you, Obama. You are the worst failure in human history. Some homeless guy under a bridge surely has more to be proud of than you.
Stop inciting the Blacks, resign from the Presidency, go back to Africa or Indonesia or wherever the hell.
The time has come for the One True Leader to rise.
For we are one nation. And we have only one Leader.