Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2015

For perhaps the first time ever, White America is as confused as Obama.
This confusion comes in the wake of King Bibi Netanyahu – a bloodthirsty mass baby-killer and representative of all Jews in the world – giving a speech to congress about how it is necessary for America to fight yet another war for the Jews (full video and transcript).
Awwwww. How cute. That escaped zoo animal believes it is the President of America.
Wait no. What’s happening here?
Obama began by stating that he didn’t watch the Jew King’s speech because he was on a conference call with Europeans on how best to Jew the Ukraine. He then said that he read the transcript – which is an obvious lie because Black people cannot read – and said there was “nothing new” in the speech.
This is an obvious fact. But yo dawg, this speech wasn’t about presenting new information to you – it was about demonstrating to the entire world that you don’t rule America, the Jews do. This is obviously the case. If that wasn’t the case, you would have told this foreign leader that he was not allowed to speak in this country without the approval of the head of state, which is you, big guy.
He then said said that Netanyahu said “the bond between the United States and America is unbreakable,” a statement which makes logical sense and I completely agree with; however, what Bibi actually said was that “the bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable,” something which makes me sick and I disagree with completely.
Obama then pouted, saying he is the man to stop Iran with his keen negotiating skills.
The retarded thing is that the way to end the Iran Nuclear Crisis would simply be to stop talking about it. Because there is no actual crisis. The whole thing is just a weird masochistic fantasy from the same rats who invented the Holocaust.